the randomness of saturday nights

May 09, 2009 21:46

  1. first things first. starbucks pwns mccafe anyway, and oh-my-god white chocolate mocha has got to be the most wonderful thing i've had in a long,long time. and i had pizza for lunch, so that's saying something. oh i don't know many people who love white chocolate more than milk chocolate but ooh it tastes so good in coffee! i was all sleepy during math tuition and the moment i stepped into starbucks and the aroma of coffee beans wafted through my nose i was all woken up and felt so much happier. coffee is good in small amounts occasionally. i feel like drinking too much of it will make me not enjoy it as much.
  2. post-tuition-walking around was cool today. centrepoint was crowded, but what the heck, with my awesome!coffee i was happy and i have this habit of going all the way up to times and gramophone just to see if there are sales, and maybe to either hear good music or watch movies they show on the tvs. today they were showing quantum of solace at times and i kind of forgot that i had actually watched the movie because it seemed kind of familiar and i was all OOH JAMES BOND/ DANIEL CRAIG IS SO HOT(LIKE MY COFFEE) and i watched it for about ten minutes(because that's when i start getting self-conscious of whether people are staring at me.) and then i walked down to gramophone to see if they have sales and they didn't. at gramophone i managed to catch like the last five minutes of bolt! which made me happy because bolt is kind of awesome. so yes, i felt strangely happy in contrast to my excessive yawning during tuition and trying to strike up a conversation with the girl seated beside me. (it was seriously pathetic and my brain was so dead i don't know why i said it. she dropped her eraser, so she asked me if i could pick it up for her, and i did. and then i said "nice colour for an eraser" because it was admittably a nice shade of dark,dark green and i thought it kind of looked nicer than my very-grey-but-originally-white eraser. she said thanks quite happily so i guess she didn't think i was all that weird. she did clarify a doubt with me and i'm very surprised i could help.)
  3. and then! on the train home! i always get on at like the first carriage so it's less crowded supposedly. and usually it is. but front carriage always has interesting people, so thats kind of fun too. and since i had drunk my awesome!coffee i felt hyper and energetic enough to look around on the train rather than stone at one point in particular. anyway i got stuck on the train beside this evidently shameless man who was happily parading around the mrt station platform earlier in tiny, bright red, curved-cut sports shorts and it was like 'MY EYES, THEY BURNNNN' literally. ugh talk about unnecessary trauma. but luckily for me there was an adorable couple in front of me that distracted me from even glancing at odd-shorts-man.  adorable couples are pretty hard to find, but this couple seemed pretty cool. i had my earphones on so i couldn't hear what they were talking about, but they seemed to like each other a lot and i thought it was kinda cute.
  4. i have finished my second draft for my theatre studies group presentation, and personally i think it's sort of alright, like i've spent so much time on it it's kind of amazing really. but it feels so, SO good. also,  i think mr lyon is the only man who has ever praised my drawings to some extent. doodles or not, he is the first person who judges my drawings, who hasn't criticised it. the last comment i remember my art teacher telling me in either sec 1 or 2 was telling me that my guitar looked like a penguin. which kind of made me laugh more than feel offended, but still.  so yey for tsd though it's time consuming!
  5. the posters are falling off my wall, and when they fall off unexpectedly at like 1.55am it kinda freaks me out because all of the sudden you hear this POP sound and you look around and it takes a while to realise what fell off hee.
  6. i needed some sort of motivation to study tonight(which i will do once i'm done with this) and after friday's CEDAR LIT UP(Refer to next point) i feel terribly nostalgic and sad yet high about last year which was so much fun, so i watched all the videos i took over the last four days of school. our random hula-hooping in the pe storeroom, the charades, the random dancing, the catwalk of win, the can can-ing, everything. it's so much fun to watch these videos and it makes me thankful as hell that i took them and that i have an external harddrive to keep them in. i want to give them to my classmates so badly because we all deserve to watch these when we're down because they're seriously awesome(i mean, charades using classmates, as in giving classmates other people in our class to act as, was a RIOT seriously) i miss you guys so much really. my class now is kind of similar but still different and damn i'd do anything to have a meetup in june or something
  7. CEDAR LIT UP! i went back to cedar yesterday evening with nika and za and it was insanely awesomse and i was ridiculously hyper just sitting in the bus to school and everything. i was grinning like an idiot and i love how nika and i just abandoned our bags with joy and ran off to the holding room to crash into the EL people. also, tentickled  pouncing on me in a moose hug was all sort of win, and damn, i'd needed one of those hugs for such a long time. i think like nika za and i were in an extremely huggy mood and it was so nice meeting teachers and ranting to them about tsd and everything. and the best part with the teachers who were around is that they're literary enthusiasts in every sense and they're interested in what you have to say and i mean mrs rw just listened to nika and my rant on duffy and her awesomeness and she KNOWS us so well, she was all "ooh wuthering heights! gothic fiction! i bet you love it, don't you? it's exactly your area!" and i was like OMG YES and oh it was just lovely. so yes, my intentions were mostly to meet friends i've been dying to meet for months more than to watch the programme, though eating blue candy floss and watching snoorella  act was really kind of cool too.also, mr sng's kid in his baby!superman cape was so adorable and man i'll never forget that, i think. it's one thing i haven't seen on a baby till now. but it's so awesome. babies are wonderful. you just look at them, carefree and all squishy and its like nothing else matter, just their awesomeness and squishyness(also, za has christened me squishy."and i shall call you SQUISHY!") damn last night was so much fun. oh and we wrote ms chng a very random note on foolscap and left it in her mailtray so i hope she's amused by that:D cedar is freaking awesome, seriously. i mean things have changed a bit but still, it's nothing like raffles, and i don't think it'll ever be:D
  8. math/geog/lit/gp calls. so does pw, but i'm kind of 0_o about pw right now so YES.TO WORK!
<3 ochie
PS: what d'you think of my handwriting meme?
PPS:HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY A DAY EARLY! i honestly don't think just one day is enough to celebrate mothers, but for formality's sake, i'll celebrate MORE tmr:D mums are wonderful awesome cool brave courageous people who deserve the world. they should be the CEOs of the world!

food:coffee, other stuff:friends, school:tsd, school:class!love, other stuff:babies, school, school:cedar, movies, ramblings

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