Jan 01, 2009 03:00

WOO HOO, 500 entries on, my blog's still well and thriving, and with a new year ahead of me and you and everyone else, i hope you have a great year filled with awesome experiences, things you can laugh at, and memories that will last for a long long time. may 'oh-nine' be a year in which you are more environmentally friendly, more aware of the little things you can do to make a day better (smile, etc.etc.) and in general a year that's good. *hugs*

ANYWAY my g12 new year party was fun; meeting some people after ages and everything:D flowerhood is <3<3 and it is always fun to meet you guys man! i may upload te generic foot/hand star pic or i may not. either way, it was still a fun party with acting and cold sand and random digressions from important discussions and delays and donuts and good food and hehe it was fun and a good way to end the year even though it somehow didn't feel like..WOW END OF 08, START OF 09! can't wait for sunday babes!

anyway, complimentary end of 08 meme is in order... so here that is, under a cut, coz it's huge, but fun to read when the year's gone...
EOY meme
01. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Um. I redecorated my room(which I share with my sis) pretty much myself. The monetary funding was, however, from my parents. But still. Designing stuff, deciding stuff, planning stuff, it was supremely fun.
02. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
07-08 answer:…I don’t remember, really. I usually don’t make extremely impossible or vague things. I just try to hope I’ll be a better person and I’ll do some things I didn’t do the previous year. For next year. I’d like to do fabulously exam-wise, be a good Robotics VP(maybe get us a few more prizes), lose a little more weight, stuff like that.
08-09 answer: Okay hm. I did okay in school exams and I really hope I did well for O’s, but I don’t know that yet. I think I was a good Robotics VP, we did win some stuff but I wasn’t directly involved I guess. I was the unofficial incharge of the CCA Leaders, so that’s kind of cool I guess. I think maybe I did lose some weight, but then once the major studying came in, I think I put it all back on, and more.
03. Did someone close to you give birth?
People I know, I guess. A family friend gave birth to her first kid, a boy, who I went to see a few weeks ago. He’s adorable and loves bright warm colours. Um, one of my really good friend’s brother’s wife gave birth to her first kid, so my friend’s an aunt! She’s adorable too. My lit teacher’s wife gave birth to her first kid, and he’s also adorable. So baby-wise, a good, cute year.
04. Did anyone close to you die?
Um. Nobody close to me did. I didn’t even quite realize it, but wow, I’m thankful for that!
05. What countries did you visit?
Yogyakarta in February
06. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
I’d like to have the option of possibly doing Theatre Studies as an A Level subject. That kind of means I’d like to get into RJ just so that there’s that tiny chance I can possibly audition for it and pass the auditions. I’ve wanted this for more than two years now.
07. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
13 November 2008. I completed my GCE O Levels. It’s a big thing I guess. We’ve been toiling away for this since 2007 or even 2005 if you want to be nit-picky.The day it was over, it was this amazing day where we were all so shocked and happy to realize that we Don’t Have To Study For The Next Three Months. It was a great feeling, and oh I won’t forget it.
I also won’t forget my birthday, because it was by far the coolest, most awesome birthday EVER and woah, I just loved it insanely.
08. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
Once again, I’ll make a list!
1) Doing well for Midyears and Prelims
2) Topping the level for English Lit
3) Winning a prize for a writing competition
4) Getting to emcee Speech Day!
5) Figuring out what kept giving me sore throats.(Vitamin C effervescence tablets. Too much Vitamin C!)
6) Seeing my sis do well for A’s. It was a nice feeling. Though not an achievement of myself
7) Helping my class come in third for cross country! My first medal!
09. What was your biggest failure(s)?
Biggest failures. Hmm. Me going for a work interview and bailing out because of the pathetic pay? That’s a failure on my part, though. General failures? Doing consistently badly for Higher Tamil, not losing weight, not dancing nearly enough.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh like I said above, I did get sore throats twice or thrice, but then I figured out what caused it. Then um I managed to get my acne controlled though it’s much better, it hasn’t disappeared completely. Then I dunno, from stress and stuff I got Psoraisis which is kind of annoying and a bit sadness-inducing because I have big red splotches on my limbs. Oh and somewhere in my last few weeks of official school I managed to sprain a ligament in the area surrounding my left knee. It was quite a pain but healed okay after seeing a doc.
11. What was the best thing you bought?(some of these things weren’t paid for by me, but they’re purchases nevertheless)
1)my lovely new handphone
3)nice clothes!
5) my stuff from ikea?
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My friend Rachna. I have bugged her endlessly the whole year at odd times and no matter what, she has replied making me feel better and everything, even if she’s annoyed at me(and I know when she is,hehe)
oh and Tereza deserves to be celebrated for she is awesome that she loves Shoebox and Mraz(certified by her identifying his voice off the radio!) and has now seen Dr Horrible and kind of knows Bad Horse Letter #1 by heart and loves Rent as much as I do. See, I made a MCR-loving, cool manga-style drawing girl into a geek. I am AWESOME. (therefore I deserve merit and celebration too!)
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Honestly speaking/typing, MINE. I’m sorry to everyone I’ve angsted at because angst should be released at yourself and not anyone else because you guys all have enough to angst about too. It’s stupid to spend time angry because it doesn’t help and man my emotions have been like RARRRR this year and I’ve gone from happy to moody to high to LOWWW in seconds and it’s been scary and honestly…APPALLING.
14. Where did most of your money go?
oh god, I am like completely broke. Earlier it was all spent on stationery like foolscap and stuff, but post-o’s it’s been on movie tickets and random happiness-inducing stuff like good food.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
uhh. JOHN MAYER’S FREE FALLIN’. I dunno I heard the song and was like possessed or something. Friends were SCARED.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you
i. happier or sadder? Happier, I think.
ii. thinner or fatter? PHATTER.
iii. richer or poorer? Hm I forget how poor I was last year, but I’m definitely kind of broke now.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
being less shameless about telling people whom I’m not that close to, but like a lot that I love them.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
I wish I’d been less of an arse with my moods, I wish I’d ….i dunno.
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
I’m not sure. My brain only keeps track of like two days ahead of me:D
22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
I wish I did. I want to know what it’s like to fall in love. This year, I’ve been a real ass about falling in love. A cynic. And that itself makes me kind of surprised.but essentially, no, I didn’t fall in love this year.
23. How many one-night stands?
oh hm. I kind of lost count. I’ve spent so many nights up having sordid affairs with my various textbooks and ten year series’.
24. What was your favorite TV program?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER WOO. I said Heroes last year, but OMG, season 3 SUCKS.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
not really in a hating people mood. I miss people.
26. What was the best book you read?
Oh um. Tough choice.Probably…Spanish Steps, because it was funny and honest and about traveling and Spain.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
JOHN MAYER. More of The Weepies,oh and now love Rachel Yamagata. But greatest? Mayer.:D Hands DOWN.
28. What did you want and get?
I wanted a good year, I think I pretty much got it.
29. What did you want and not get?
I wanted to improve in Higher Tamil, I didn’t do much by FAR,
30. Favorite film of this year?
Looking at movies released this year, probably uhhh Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist-- But in general, probably either Garden State or Across The Universe or Rent.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
OHGOD. MY BIRTHDAY WAS AWESOME.I was Sweet Sixteen and my birthday actually fell on a SUNDAY but I usually have Tamil tuition on Sunday afternoons(yeah I know kinda sucks) and I thought I’d have it as usual. But my mum was like NO DEE IS TAKING YOU OUT, GO!GO! WE CAN RESCHEDULE TUITION! And I was insanely happy about that just because I didn’t have to have tuition on my birthday! So my sis had planned for us to go watch JUNO since it was rated nc-16, and it was cool since it was my birthday! So three of us went to watch it, I loved it, and then my sis took me to Modestos, where I was surprised with like 15 PEOPLE AND A GIANT ORB OF FLOWERHOODSY COOLNESS. It was so nice,really. This HUGE bunch of people had come, I really wasn’t expecting it and it was SO MUCH FUN and the look on my face and my Burger King crown with my name smudged and the paper banner round the pillar and the good food and good cake and awesome presents, man IT WAS MY BEST BIRTHDAY EVER, I THINK.:D:D
32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
knowing that I’d be able to go into a school of my choice. Something like DSA but um, I can’t DSA coz I have nothing to DSA with.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
mostly my school uniform, but um, since my sis went to college in the US, my wardrobe(and hers) was halved and I guess that’s made me realize how fun it is to try putting together the same stuff differently so it looks pretty cool. In other words, I’m saying my fashion concept was ‘keep trying’.
34. What kept you sane?
friends, family,teachers(my teachers this year were amazing.) my work, my goals.things.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
a fair bit of John Mayer, Drake and Josh,but FANCY fancy, hmm possibly James Marsden,Farhan Akhtar, more Johnny Depp, Jason Mraz, oh throughout the year it just keeps coming and going.:D:D
…the most? Tough one. Probably…Neil Patrick Harris?
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Uhh, even though a lot of big things happened this year, like Obama winning and all the bomb blasts and the Thailand problem and everything, I’m usually not stirred by anything. I dunno why. I mean yes, I have an interest in what’s going on, but it’s like just facts and stuff, I’m not emotionally affected by anything.
37. Who do you miss?
I miss my sister.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
I’ll say Victoria!Because I think we’ve become pretty good friends and I wasn’t expecting it! Chem tuition was fun with her and our excessive ranting and writing on paper:D
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, but no one said that the acid wouldn’t sting your cuts. In other words, it’s nice to make the best of crappy things that happens, but no one said that it would be pain-free or easy to make the crappy things better.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
What do I do when my love is away.
(Does it worry you to be alone)
How do I feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad because you're on your own)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I'm gonna to try with a little help from my friends
With A Little Help From My Friends/The Beatles.

...and maybe later today i'll post my Movies In 2008 list. it's pretty cool:D:D


2009, 2008

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