well, i've procrastinated long enough i guess

Nov 23, 2008 23:35

FIRSTLY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY easterchicken ! YOU'RE AN AWESOME SEATING PARTNER AND GREAT FRIEND AND I HOPE YOU'VE HAD A GREAT DAY!...so here's my desk meme which i kind of made falulatonks do, and she sort of did, before me, so here's mine. i was suddenly wondering what people's desks looked like, and what you have on them, so if you're free, DO IT! it's kind of fun. take a few minutes to look at your desk, all the little things you have, whether its pen stands or photo frames or beanie toys or whatever. they're interesting, definitely.

so here's mine, taken from my o level days, believe me my desk looks very different now that all the school-related stuff is mostly gone. but more pics of that...soon?

Okay so that's a very,very bad picture of my whole desk, taken a very long time ago, i guess when i figured out there were effects to the camera on ym handphone. which also explains the quality.However, this is my desk. it's a teak desk from ScanTeak or somewhere and i've had it since 2003.As you can see it gets messy very easily when you're studying, but that's the charm to any desk. the messier it is, the nicer it actually looks?Hmm, let's see. My dustbin's from Ikea, the Tigger is a birthday present from Pipi,the little set of drawers is used for keeping jewellery/accessories like bracelets, necklaces, random small things like nametags, school badges, safety pins,etc.etc.
Now for some close ups!

Ooh, okay, again i'll go clockwise.makes things easier.First is a picture of me when I was a wee little girl. I'm wearing one of the many traditional Indian costumes, and i'm quite sure it's a hand-me-down from my sis.This pic was taken in India and umm this sat somewhere else in the house until I got this desk and thought i'd like it on my desk. Cheers me up quite often.Next to me, is the pig mug! This was also a birthday present from my ex-classmate/schoolmate Cheryl with whom I share my birthday with. In 2006 we got each other presents for our birthday and she got me this. Not sure why it's a pig, but it's cute. I also have a bookend with a girl!pig on it. So like girl pig and boy pig.I kind of stuff whatever needs a place into this.(You lift his head)Below my pig mug is my stationery stuff. I keep my markers(actually my sister's, but uhh we kind of share them anyway), a huge stapler because I was printing and getting other school papers and they're HUGE and normal staplers cannot be used to staple like 20-page long math papers.I have a bottle of craft glue, which comes in pretty handy because i love to stick things in places,and yes, i have two pen stands full of pens, pencils, a pair of scissors, more glue, and more rubbish. oh and i love my smiley eraser.(yes i drew a tongue on with a red ink pen) found it lying around...in these two pictures(this one and the one beside it) you can see books, so actually at first i had all my potter books out, and i used to read them whenever i wanted. then because of o's i ended up with so many ten-year-series' that they couldn't fit in my cupboard, so they literally spilled out, causing my potter books to be relegated to the bookshelf, where they're possibly happier.ooh, the fourth pic! on my desk lamp is my BENDYMAN. it's this wire thing with cloth sewn around it, it's from Pondicherry in India and i got it in 2000(wow it's 8 years old! half MY age)He;s kind of fun to play with, but now he mostly just hugs my lamp.Oh and in the little photoframe in the background, the purple one, are my two friends who now live in Canada. We used to be really good friends and once again, this was somewhere else, but came out to fill space on my desk. I use it sometimes ot hold papers down.

Hmm, first pic's kind of boring. It's a Periodic Table for Chemistry, but the funny thing is that it's been laminated.I got it from ym neighbour when she gave me all her O level stuff and it's been very useful over the whole year. You can chuck it around and it doesn't get crushed! Towards the end of my O's I just stuck it up on the wall because I was doing so many chem papers(hopefully it worked.)OOH, next, we have my lizard who sits on random things on my desk. Either the lamp, or the books, or just on the desk, but mostly on the lamp.I got him from this Exchange thing I went with my sis last year near Christmas time. He's almost a year. My whole family thinks it is the weirdest thing ever and is kind of creepy/scary but honestly I've wanted a beanie lizard for a very long time, and I remember wanting one whenever i used to go to the zoo when i was a kid. So when i saw one for free i grabbed it.Then we have a better picture of my books.There's my Middlesex!Oh and worth mentioning, the Japanese girl pen in the funky vase are gifts from friends who went to Japan and India respectively during holidays.The picture of friends are there four girls who decided to take a different education route where you don't have to do O levels, but you go straight into a junior college.So we were kind of sad when they were leaving but they were nice enough to make a nice frame like this for everyone in my sec 2 class.

My potter stuff! Okay i just wanted this to have a picture of its own. First we have my awesome Goblet of Fire poster which i got from the Singapore Premier in 2005. This is HUGE(4times of A3 size paper, would be a good estimate) and i love this a LOT just because its a GoF poster which isn't the poster you see everywhere. it's like the underwater thing/second task, so it's cool. Love the green too, though it's faded a lot. So yes, this has been up since November 2005, and i just took it down like three days ago. Below that is my also beloved Ron figurine! My awesome sis bought this for me as part of my birthday present this year from Borders(because it was cheap, as she told me, but still, it's RON, my first love, sort of!)You can twist his arms, his head and his waist so that's quite cool and he has a cool stand to stand on. And he came with a wand but it kind of fell off someday and i think ym mum dusted it off my table thinking it wasn't anything important. so poor ron's wandless, but still loved. the pics are bad, but his face looks more like rupert grint's than RON ron.not complaining, though. I love this because i totally wasn't expecting it. i've never really been a figurine person, but getting one is kind of awesome.

SO...that's my desk!SHOW ME YOURS.

Alright, so that was kind of fun, just because I can stop thinking 'I should do this' because I already have.

I fiinshed watching season 1 of HIMYM, and it's so sweet. i <3 this show a lot. Season 2 looks good too.

I rewatched Stardust today, which I liked, and realised how much I really loved this movie when I did watch it in cinemas. I kind of went without much expectations, but it was Neil Gaiman, so I went for it with my sis, Rachu and Snoo, and i LOVED it.

I also took off my six huge posters, because I want to do something else on the wall, but I realise movie posters deserve to be on the wall, so I spent like two hours just trying to hunt for all the movie posters I have. Anyway, I now have plans for what to do with whatever I have, but I've also realised that years of poster-replacing has kind of killed the paint so it looks kind of old and bad, but i guess that's kind of a thing of its own. Old. I am so happy to change stuff in my room:P

I shall upload pics on facebook or something when everything's completely done.

ooh, long entry!

happy holidays!

<3 ochie

tv shows, other stuff: meme!, movies, ramblings, other stuff: room redecoration, other stuff:picspam

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