(no subject)

Jun 27, 2008 13:43

I'm in a total get-healthy-and-balanced mode right now. I haven't chewed my nails since Sunday morning, I've been doing yoga since Monday, I'm drinking plenty of water, and I've even set a date to quit smoking. Now the biggest hurdle at the moment is getting my eating a bit more healthy. I either eat a lot of junk, or I go an entire day on a package of Pop-Tarts.

Even just these small steps have been amazing. I have more energy, I feel just generally "better," and stress is almost a non-issue at the moment.

I also managed to pick up Wii Fit today, thanks to my good friend at GameStop holding it for me. I haven't had much opportunity to use it, but I've done enough to know I have some work to do. So, the current goal is to change that status of "Overweight" to "Normal" in the next three months, which means losing just a hair over twenty pounds. This is definitely a goal I know that I'm capable of reaching, since I've done it before.

Wish me, not luck, but strong willpower!
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