Feb 13, 2005 02:49
the below is for you if your thinking of suicide.
This entry is in regards to all the people out there that are in a lot of pain and need some inspiration.
I know a lot of people who have thought of suicide and who have self harmed, they are all going to make it. I have faith.
you don't want your life to end. believe me.
you want the pain to end.
you want the problems to erase
you want to be happy
you want to feel alive within
you want to kill yourself
but you don't want to die
is that not the truth?
I think that's the majority of cutters' point of view.
I'll tell you what I know
The pain will end, for most that are willing to put forth all energy and are determined to survive
The problems will not erase but with work and effort being put forward they will become resolved
You will start to find happiness in the smallest things
If you manage to deal with your emotions instead of cutting them away, you will feel alive once again.
Because it will be real.
You'll think of suicide, but you'll learn to let it pass you by.
You'll start wanting to make a difference in the world and want to show people the small beauties in life
You'll want to live
I made it, and you can too... I was almost as low as it got, with stitches on my arms and veins popping out, I turned it around. In the end, the little things that made you cut will seem insignificant. For the most part anyways. There will be ups and downs, but let me tell you something.. what are you risking by trying to live? You have nothing to lose and all to gain.
2 years ago if someone said this I'd want to murder them, I really would.. but you can't let peoples words get to you, because it all comes down to one person. Yourself. Take care, and good luck, happy soul searching.