May 07, 2005 23:29
So I thought about some stuff in the shower. I have realized this for a couple of days but the person i thought I might have feelings for, I don't. The thing is I think i was just lonely and that he was there and i thought hey maybe I like him. But than I realized it was a lot like the situation with Jarrod where I was just confused about what I was feeling. Because the other day i was sitting next to him and realized that I just didn't feel anything for him. Plus he has been a total prick to me lately and I realized that I wasn't upset because he didn't like me but only because I lost a friend that I could talk to. He wont come and talk to me, he wont look at me and when he does talk to me he just calls me a bitch or says something else equally unkind, so pretty much he is just an asshole that has now found some issue with me. I am just sad because I could really use a friend right now and he is obviously not the kind of friend I need if he can't even be nice to me. Anyways I kind of just want to cry because I could really use a friend to talk to right now. Plus I am exhausted.