8/30/2005 The Rockwell Springfield, MO DOORS: 7:00 PM VEDA: 8:00 PM COMMUNIQUE: 8:50 PM DREDG: 9:50 PM
The only gay thing is.. you have to be a frequent rocker to go to the show..
so what you do is.. go to
http://www.q1021.fm and sign up to be a frequent rocker.. they say they will email you a ticket between the 15th and 30th.. so they better, or im going to be furious.. this frequent rocker shit is annoying..
this was quoted from Todd(hospice.stars)
It sounds like how the Communist Party of China "rewards" its members for behaving by their rules. Clear Channel/Q 102.1 sucks and needs to have a molotov cocktail thrown through its window.