Amy's key footwear in Season 7 are brogues - beautiful lace-up shoes with a small heel. She wears a tan pair by Dune in a number of episodes, including Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Angels Take Manhattan and with her main outfit in The Power of Three.
When researching her shoes in A Town Called Mercy I found a few sources were calling this pair of navy/blue brogues, also from Dune, screen accurate:
There was no product name attached to them anywhere I could find, just this image. And they are a hella nice pair of shoes. But when I started looking closer, I realised this is an incorrect ID. Here's some close-ups of her shoes from the episode.
Not very helpful. For one thing, the dust and lighting makes them look rather ambiguous in colour. However the detailing is enough that you can tell these are far less decorative than the identified pair and, most telling, it has five lace-holes, not four.
Fortunately we have that great photoshoot she did with Matt in costume, and we can glean much better detailing from these:
These images are much clearer, and they're a match to the pair worn in episode (I don't necessarily trust promos after The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang Oasis/Loblan switcheroos.) The detail is also very good - I think we can definitely rule out the first pair of shoes as a misidentification. Are they navy, though? The lighting might be throwing us, but in these images it looks like her tights are navy and the shoes, black.
It would be really nice to finish this post with the actual ID. At this stage, all I can say is that it's likely these are a pair of Dune shoes. She does live in the Lydsey brogues for so many other episodes, and the shape and design is familiar. More information to follow ....!
18/04/18: More Information already!
haventusedmycup pointed out that in The Time of the Doctor, Amy is wearing a different pair of shoes again. These ones look more like the mid-ID'ed shoes, which is maybe where that ID came from!