Title: Keep Falling
Characters: Annie Walker, Auggie Anderson
Pairing: Annie/Auggie
Rating: PG, for cooties and alcohol.
Word Count: 786
Summary: The worst part about falling out of love, is wondering if you'll ever open up that far again. After Ben, Annie wasn't going to fall in love again. Then she met Auggie.
Author's note: Was about to put up this
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And I'm too tired to say anything else. Pretty though.
Not a big fan of Annie/Auggie, but there seems to be a lot of it...as long as it's well written I'll read it and this was. :-)
Which is you favorite pairing, if not Annie/Auggie?
Cannot stand Ben though I will admit that. I think what Annie saw is that he was exotic and new...if that makes sense. And it was the lure of the new and forbidden. Although he could have made himself more attractive to her because he'd been trained that way.
I'm kinda weird in that I only go with canon pairings. So the only pairing is Joan/Arthur...if that makes sense. I'll read stories with other pairings, but I don't really advocate them. And they have to be well written.
My stories have an OFC that's an old friend of Auggie's and I know some people frown on that, but they have a complicated relationship.
And wow...I totally just rambled.
Ben... he doesn't seem sincere. Like he's his own brand of sleaze. Maybe it's a different brand of sleaze, but it's still sleaze.
I understand the canon pairings thing. I love shipping, but I understand your preference for canon. Also, well-written-ness for the win!
I do frown on OFCs, but only because I know how hard it is to keep them from becoming Mary Sues. I have read good ones, it's just difficult to keep them flawed, you know? I don't know if I've read yours or not.
And I ramble, so it's perfectly fine. :)
I don't think either guy with Annie at this point. Both of them are so broken...it's just asking for trouble. And I'd like to smack some sense into Annie. But that's just me.
Ben was too much an agent I think. He'd spent so much time out in the cold and playing everyone that he's just all around sleaze. But there's something else going on that we haven't learned yet. And both Jai and Auggie are involved.
*nods* English teacher so I will actually stop reading if a fic has too many grammatical errors.
I do frown on OFCs, but only because I know how hard it is to keep them from becoming Mary Sues. I have read good ones, it's just difficult to keep them flawed, you know? I don't know if I've read yours or not.Well I tend to do okay with my OCs (if I say so myself), but ( ... )
Re: well-written-ness, I usually get a bad feeling about the fic itself. I used to have lower standards, but now I just avoid badly-written summaries and can't concentrate on anything with egregious grammar errors.
I read so much badly written things for work which isn't really my kids' faults (well sometimes it is) that if I'm reading for pleasure, I'd like to read things that are well-written and well-thought out.
*sighs* And I would really, REALLY like my characters to stop fighting me so I could maybe get my friend's present finish tonight.
The Emma fic. The one I really liked. With the whipped cream. }:)
I'm kind of jaded for a teenager, and I can't stand badly-written stuff. I grew up reading good books, so I hold my fanfic to the same standards to which I hold books. My thinking is, if I can write with some semblance of grammar, you can write with some semblance of grammar, and don't use "but it's just fanfic" as an excuse.
And I write original fiction, too, so I sympathize. Currently, my characters are swirling in that nebulous hell known as writer's block.
I've got a couple more fics with Emma...including a couple from before Covert Affairs starts (hence Auggie is not blind.)
I'm kind of jaded for a teenager, and I can't stand badly-written stuff. I grew up reading good books, so I hold my fanfic to the same standards to which I hold books. My thinking is, if I can write with some semblance of grammar, you can write with some semblance of grammar, and don't use "but it's just fanfic" as an excuse.My feeling is if you're writing and you're taking the time to write and put it out there from someone else to read, why embarrass yourself by showing you're incapable of not writing grammatically correctly. With that being said, I can understand if English is not your first language, but I have friends who are in that situation and either use a beta or work really hard to make sure things are right. I have ( ... )
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