
Aug 07, 2007 00:03

OK so Im back in Baltimore..which in my mind means that Im done with my summer vacation, though in real time is totally false. Things are good here despite the massive heat wave we are currentloy experiencing, and the fact that something crashed in my room and immediately I thought that someone was breaking in through my bedroom window (which would not be that hard to do) ANYWAY I grabbed my cell phone and ran, called some people before Jason called me back and convinced me to go in my room and check it out (it happnes that something big had fallen over somehow.. so im not completely crazy). Anywho.. this got me thinking that I really do need to make more friends here so that if this does happen again I would have more people to call to help me out.

Although this doesnt mean that Im sitting in my apartment by myself everyday alone.. *cough cough... yeah anyway.. what can I say the kid has skills... moving on. In more constructive news I met with one woman who is very much into my ideas for her thesis which is great.. yay imagination and I got a phone call today from another guy who wants me to build him a robot costume (an updated form of Tinkerbell actaully). So it looks like I will not be searching for projects to work on over the course of this school year at least.

My apartmennt is nice, although there are still boxes around that need to be unpacked.. for the most part at least things are in their places and Im hoping *knock on wood* that I wont need to move again until after I graduate. Everyone come visit!

My days have consisted of unpacking, cleaning, and watching movies.. I just watched Alpha Dog.. umm I guess it was alright.. Justin Timberlake was a thug.. need I say more? Movies have been keeping me pretty well occupied.

Im completely broke... literally and poeple keep calling to pay them for one thing or another.. so this is what its like to live day by day... I have never eaten so much pasta in my entire life. I may need to borrow some more money from my family in order to pay for some more fees and start up costs.. My old apartment complex reemed us over the fire and the 333 dollars I thought I would get back doesnt seem to be happening now... Only a couple more weeks till the rebate check comes in.. then I will actully be able to buy meat and things...

I also am looking to purchase a car. A HUGE step for me and to be honest a scary one as well. Newfound independance and the ability to not have to depend on others in order to get to one place or another. This hopefully will open up many doors for me. Now I just need the loan check and things mailed to me and Im set.

I want to write a big Buffalo New York summer 07 entry.. but im way to exaughsted to do so right now.. but just wait there is definetly one coming. Possibly the summer where I learned the most about myself and about my friends and their loyalties in one way shape or form.

Until then I think Im going to try and get some sleep. Thanks for reading if you did. Have a great night all. Cheers!

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