Oct 20, 2004 20:00
went to ride whimpy..but ended up not cuz he has a cold. when i went to lounge him he coughed white stuff out...so i told his owners if he still has a runny nose tomorrow call the vet out..just to be safe. i practiced showmanship though. hes pretty much got everything down cept for pivoting. i cleaned him upp realllyy good and he looked so niceeeee. and now that hes lost some weight he looks even bettter. after i went to TSC to get training forks. didnt have any. so i bought a mane puller and some candy. came home and got bitched at by my dad for not emptying the dishwasher before i left..pff.. and then i hadda clean the pans. and i guess i do it wrong. here are some of my dads rules on dishwashing:
1. use ONLY scolding hot water when washing pans in the sink.
2. scrub all utensils clean with soap and water before stickin tthem in the dishwasher..(isnt that what a dishwasher is for??)
3. only put forks together, spoons together, and knives together. (wtf???)
yeah..those are only a few...wtf..well im out..