
Jun 11, 2004 20:01

Okay... so today I had to work at 10 am! They took my on call! Was I suprised?! Yes yes very much so! But anyways after work I went to go pick up Des and we went to Endless for a little bit... After we stopped to talk at a park. I had to explain to him that he was changing very much so! And yea I guess after that, well the rest is history so to speak! Let's just say that it was the best ever! ha²! And there was no 5 involoved in any way shape or form! So how long? I actually don't know because we had to stop because he had to get home! Ahhhh! tear! But yea, so then I had to ask him where this puts us, and he said still as friends, but asked me where I wanted it to put us, and I replied that I did not know! but I do know! i know that i want this to mean that we will be getting back together. I want him to tell me that he really likes me, and that we should try again! That's what i want! but that is not what i am going to get. After I asked him why he broke up with me, and his reply was that he was not ready for a relationship right now... And right now I don't even know if I am ready for a relationship! All I know is that i really like Des! After I asked him what about later, and he said Yes, most likely! So does this make me happy! yes yes it does! But all else aside we finally did it today! And it was great! LOL! But fer reals I'm not playing! Anyways, yes I just finished watch the rest of Reagons funeral! I got to see the part I really wanted too, taps! Does that sound morbid? I waited just to see them play taps? I don't know why but I like to hear the taps being played! Although taps is always what amkes me cry becuase it is so final, but I guess I like it becuase it puts an end to it! Make sense? I hope so! And while they played taps I kept remembering all the people that have died that were close to me... the ones who were Military and had Taps played... Uncle Tan, Uncle Freddy, Uncle Jimmy, Joe, Papaw... and yes I remembered them all very clearly... I miss you all so much! I will forever remember you! Well... i am off to get dinner now!!!
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