mY UpCoMiNg LiFe!

Dec 28, 2004 18:20

Well... Here I am at home. I got off of work early... Okay so I got off of work like an hour after I started. Carlos let me go home arly because I was sick. So, I came home and slept. Yucky! I hate being sick!

So let's see... what to say! My Daddy was home for christmas! That was great! I was so happy he was home! Thankx to everyone for your prayers. he is at home now and recovering well... he's up and walking around!

Christmas went okay!!! Me and my family are not officially celebrating until New Years Eve because we were not sure on my Daddy!!! I did however go up to me moms!!! And yea, thingz over there went okay! Do you know what she got me for christmas? A gym membership! That was so awesome!!! Except one thing! The gym is in Sacramento!!! WTF? And it's not a Gold's or Millenium where I can find one located near me... It's strictly a gym in Sacramento! LOL! Who woulds thunk it!

Working lots and ltos of hours! Maybe that's why I was sick becasue I have been doing nothing but working and working, and running around. Not spending enough time sleeping, resting, and taking care of myself.

Volleyball has started... Should prove to be a good year! I am expecting a very successful season!

Looking for life to pick up once again! Planning on taking 20 units at school, playing volleyball, and coaching as well as working... I'm excited!!! Although when most people hear about my upcoming life they look at me like I am a goof! Jimmy said I'm crazy, Paka told me I better pick two... I say... I'll make it!!! I'll be ultra busy, but that's how I like to be! Go Go Go!

Thinkin about things, I'm wondering if I have gotten myself into something that I know will not be able to get out of... Only this ime I know that I have to keep my mouth absolutely shut about it... This is definately something that I can not talk to anyone about... HmMmMmM!!!!

Well at least once l get verything going I won't have time to think about things!!! I won't have time to do anything but what's on my plate!!! No time to think!!! And right now, I'm thinking that's a good thing!
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