We made it to Portland. :)
San Francisco was great. I wish I could have spent more time there. I've been promising myself since I was twelve that I was going to live there. Now all I need to do is get rich and then that will happen.
So everyone said the 101 is the pretty/scenic route and that may be true but driving up the 5 freeway through the Shasta National Forest was so beautiful. Mt. Shasta was gorgeous and just oh. I don't know what it is about me and mountains but whenever I'm near them I just fall all over myself and am overcome by beauty. We are totally stopping somewhere in the mountains on the way home to have a picnic (hopefully near a stream).
I'm excited. We're staying with
dottedcircles and so far everyone is great and there are great animals here like a gerbil, a rat, and two awesome dogs and just, total love.
Ok, I'm being antisocial but yes. I miss my cat and my boyfriend and my roomie. <333