I got tagged. Thanks a lot, chillbot

Dec 14, 2006 11:53

RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

01. I have Algolagnia and I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm a gorehound and have a sexual attraction to blood and guts. I don't really publicly talk about it because it sort of weirds me out a bit (actually, people's reactions weird me out) and so other than this, the only people that really know about it are people I have dated. It can cause some weird tension when during foreplay, I ask someone to punch me, heh. It's totally not about power though, and so I am hesitant to label it sadomasochism.

02. I'm a gorehound. I've always been completely fascinated with the way the body works. I used to want to be a surgeon when I was fifteen (until I researched it and realized how much time I'd have to spend in school, heh). I think the organs and systems in the body are fucking beautiful and to see that (even if it's fake - as I usually see it in things like horror movies) is really exhilerating. When you think about how carnal sex already is, to bring the body even more into it (or out of it, depending how you look at it) is awesome.

03. I don't think I'm capable of falling in love anymore. I can appreciate and love people, but not fall in love with them. It's allowed me to be much more distant and emotionally withdrawn in relationships. As a defense mechanism, I sometimes equate it with being more emotionally stable than I was a few years ago. Sometimes I miss the passion though.

04. For some reason, for the past two months, I have stopped reading any reliable news sources (I used to read everything and try to be on top of our politcal climate as much as possible) and devote most of my "news" time to ohnotheydidnt. It's like fucking crack. So now, instead of being able to hold my own when talking about current events or politics, I randomly irrelevantly spout out shit like, "ooooh! I think Lindsay Lohan got a tattoo right there!" in conversation.

05. Seeing war scenes (fictionalized or otherwise) makes me incredibly sad. I can deal with violence on a small scale (although I don't particularly like seeing it - and usually have to sit through it just to see gore) but to see it so grandly is very depressing. I think about all of the unnecessary deaths and the unnecessary side-effects we get as individuals and as a culture.

06. I don't ever want to get married or have kids but I think I would drop everything if a certain British ex-boyfriend asked me to do just that. He made me so miserable and I hated who I was with him but I would throw all of my improvements away for him. I am too ashamed of the reasons to even admit why this is so. I would give up happiness for him.

07. I am going to Sweden in the late spring of 2008. I am mostly going because I want to see the band Kent (who I'm not even sure will be performing) and they won't tour the US anymore. I went through a similar "phase" in high school when I became obsessed with Canada because of Our Lady Peace. Luckily (?), they came here instead.

08. I'm going to Mexico City with my friend Jesse the third week of January. Last winter, I went to visit him for a week in Seattle and it caused a lot of problems in my relationship with a certain British ex-boyfriend. It's an impromptu trip (much like visiting Seattle was) but I'm excited about getting the fuck out of here for a week. I've never been that far south into Mexico but I hear it's beautiful.

09. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost nine months. I adore him but he still hasn't told me that he loves me. I think he does but doesn't want to admit it or doesn't know what it is. I don't know. Sometimes I wish it wasn't so important for me to hear it, but it is. I have never waited this long in a relationship to hear it but it's not something I really want to force. I want him to want to say it. I want him to feel it. I am not one to talk though.

10. I feel mostly comfortable in my new house but since all three of my other roommates have been living together for about two or three months now, they've formed a bond that isn't there for me. Plus, I am not a dominant speaker and can be kind of quiet and withdrawn so it makes it even harder to communicate with them when they are all together. It's frustrating but my cat makes the world better.

Tagging ( I don't care if you do it or not) (because I'm nice):







sweden, algolagnia, gore, ontd, love, jesse, friends, meme, mexico, roommates

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