You could wait for a lifetime to spend your days in the sunshine. You gotta make it happen!

Dec 01, 2008 17:22

Happy after Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Did you guys eat a lot? I ate enough food to feed a small city. Thanksgiving was fantastic!

I dropped off my application for a job at The Huntington Library last week. I have fallen in love with the place since I was in college, so, it will be a great pleasure to work there. I'm pretty excited. Wish me luck and pray for me, my lovely friends.

Last night, I took Groucho out on a trail ride. For those of you who do not know, Groucho is the handsome paint-horse in my picture album. I haven't really work with him since he acted like a punk and wouldn't stand still to let me mount on, and that was even before I took Teddy to Colorado back in May. So, it has been a very long time. But, Tiffanie, Groucho's current handler had a bit of a flu, and I decided to ride him instead of her.

And it was the loveliest ride I got from him. I was ecstatic.

I also rode Teddy in the arena. Golie was also in the arena, and I didn't want to lock him in the stall so, I decided to ride Teddy while Golie was walking around. Boy, what a challenge that was. They kept wanting to pick on each other, you know, with the ears back and turning their butts on each other, ready to kick out. It was pretty scary at times, especially when one is sitting on top of a horse. Luckily, Teddy is an obedient boy and I was able to maneuver him around and away from Golie without much difficulty. I'm glad that for whatever reason, I chose to ride him with the hackamore instead of just using the halter and lead-rope like I usually do.

Right, how are you guys doing this holidays season? I think something is happening in the sky because my life is changing at the pace of lightening. For a few days, I'd even considered becoming a nun, but I couldn't decide which religion I want to commit to. I have been practicing the Whitney's Religion for too long.

I guess once you believe in yourself, you just can't go back to believing blindly in what other people tell you.

j'adore, ma vie magnifique, horsing around

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