He can’t tell which is worse to be dying of thirst or to drown.

Feb 14, 2008 17:06

I have quite a few strange dreams last night, of snakes and crocodile.

A desert-colored rattlesnake sneaked into my bedroom and coiled itself at the end of my bed to sleep. The night was cold, so I let it stay the night and called my mother to take it away in the morning.

My mom came to the rescue. She also found a crocodile under the bed. In the attempt to dispose of it, the crocodile bit her on the shoulder. Nothing major, just a little flesh wound.


I woke up. Checked the end of my bed. Checked under the bed.

No snake. No crocodile.

I went back to sleep.


The earth trembled under me.

A scroll with runic inscriptions unfolded in front of me. The staves were written backward, from right to left. I don't know how I know, but I just know that it should be read from right to left. Unfortunately, the inscriptions were in the older futhark. So, there I go, wishing that I would just sit down and actually learn the elder alphabets.

No, I do not know what the scroll said. It's like that familiar taste in your mouth where you know you should remember, but as hard as you try to recall, you don't. It's the thing that dangled itself in front of the vanishing point at the edge of your memory.

The scroll wrapped itself around me, and then, it turned into a great big serpent with shiny reflective scales. Then, it tried to eat me and swallow me whole.

At first I was hoping that it was just Blue, playing trick on me. (Raise your hand if you remember the French-spoken Blue Dragon living in my refrigerator!)

But I don't think it was.


My poor Groucho lost his tooth the night before. We found his tooth in the feed bucket.

It gave me an idea.

I'm collecting horses' teeth. I got one. I need 15 more. Those of you who are familiar with the number know what I'm up to. It's going to take a while though. Maybe a few years.

It will be spiffy, in a very spooky kind of way.

Haha! Voodoo. Who do? You do!


Man, I'm feeling morbid.


Speaking of morbid...*throws the towel*
Might as well...

To one particular sailor out there, do not confuse Polaris with Sirius, and if you are lost, follow the waves to the shore.

That is all I'm allowed to say. Pirate and Navy don't mix anyway.


Thinking of you, babe! Be safe and be well.

dreamworld, rune soldier, dracon, mtn. of strength, horsing around

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