I never said i wasn't gonna tell nobody, no baby.

Jan 21, 2008 17:04

It's simple. You're in it for a chance to conquer your fears.
Yeah. That's going to get me kill. I'm so not into that sort of a rush.
Who said adrenalin rush is the only thing that gets your heart thumping?
Endorphin is just as bad.
Well, what do you want?
I want to be happy without the added hormones!
Then, strip them off, including the fears that brought about those hormones.

The Universe - 1, Whitney - 0


You cannot change what you cannot confront.
The only thing I cannot confront is my fear.
Then, you need to adjust.

The Universe - 2, Whitney - 0


In my dream, King Aragon Viggo Mortensen - with a full army of pretty shiny Elves armed with bows and arrows - stood around him, dropped a bloody thumping heart in my hands.

And what the fuck am I suppose to do with this? I thought to myself.

King Aragon laughed without moving his mouth or changed his facial expression. You'll figure it out.

Great, my favorite kind of communication method - telepathy. No need for unnecessary censorship or politeness, might as well *think* the truth. He'll be able to read it anyway, if he chooses to.

Figure it out, eh? I popped the thumping heart in to my mouth. It just seemed like it was just the thing to do.

The heart bounced around inside of me and decided to make an acquaintance with the existing resident, my own heart.

Great. I looked at the, supposedly, King Aragon. Are you trying to tell me to brace myself because something is going to happen to my heart that I need a spare? Is it going to be broken? Is it going to be shattered into little pieces? Should I be afraid? May I panic now?

He laughed again. You worry too much. It's there to help; consider it a luxury most people cannot afford. You may need some adjustment to accommodate it, but it is there to help.

"Consider it a gift, in return to a gift." King Aragon Viggo Mortensen said.


I woke up and remembered that last week 2 weeks ago, I cut out my own heart to offer it to Red.

The Universe - 3, Whitney is afraid.


So, is this second heart a temporary or a permanent addition to the whole collective? Am I an incubator for this heart until we find a suitable vessel? How long can I operate carrying 2 hearts and how much stress would my body has to suffer and endure, or is there going to be any stress at all?

And what the fuck does it all mean?

"I guess WE'LL just cross that bridge when it comes." The thumping heart said.


new religion, dreamworld

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