Who will give you sanctuary? And slay your vampires in the night?

May 03, 2007 09:05

Finally, I think the lovebug has passed. Thank goodness for that.

I told you. Feels like having a cold.

Hit in the face like a two-ton brick
Left you in a coma for a few days
Neutralized and leave you
With a scratchy throat of...agitation.


Are you there God? It's me, Whitney.
I told you it was not a good idea.

I did.

Funny. But...not a good idea.


Is there something funky going on in the sky. Neptune? Pluto? Did someone stepped on a Scorpio?

I feel The Underworld calling.


I'm having fun. I don't want to go.


Unlike the past 2 weeks, every second ticked by felt like an eternity. I wouldn't be surprise if I woke up in a science lab somewhere in the year 7002.


The deal with The Devil [remember the 2 for 1 special?] kept popping into my head.

You shall have the Patience of a Devil and the Wrath of God.

I have a feeling that it's going to jump up and nip me in my big fat behind anytime now. Something tells me that I should sit down and arm myself with the knowledge of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Contrary Virtues, thoroughly. Things are about to turn upside down.

The Virtues are going to play offense and it's going to take the Sins to save me.

new religion, ancora imparo, dreamworld, psychonaut, nothing last forever

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