And the mess on the bed is the mess in my head

Apr 27, 2007 11:04

For the most part, April was a very grounded month. A lot of issues in the physical world got taken care of, which is a good thing. I have the tendencies to neglect the 'real world'.

This week, however, has been one trippy slip after another. Monday was fine. I remembered coming to work on Monday. Tuesday, something about getting a cold, which felt alot like falling in love. Wednesday, the only thing I remembered was that I was happy. Thursday, I don't remember anything except being back on earth for about 10 minutes before I go to bed.

And then, I woke up by a loud applaud from the angels. I vaguely remember that this is Friday. My body aches like I have been through a triathlon and I can't stretch out my right wing - probably messed it up, again. I don't remember what I did last night; have no recollection at all, which was disturbing.

It's quite troubling that I slept like a rock but cannot, for the life of me, remember a single dream.


Venus sextile Mars: The Courtesan and the Moody Git Schadenfreude are getting along much too well, I think I'm heading into another head-rush.

dreamworld, house of chaos

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