Do you believe in magic? Dragons and Unicorns??

Mar 15, 2007 15:13

I am highly irritable today.

Have you ever had a day when things are just on the verge of going wrong? I have to stay sharp, keep my eyes open, and it is extremely difficult to do.

I can't focus for shit.


I am tired. Exhausted.

Spinning in space while trying to live a normal life at the same time is hard work. It's very hard to concentrate and I need concentration to get my daily routine done.

If this does not improve by tomorrow, I think I will stop by The Cauldron and get some Grounding Mojo. Meditation didn't work. If anything else, meditation made it worst. It's so easy to go Astral Travel during a meditated state, even more so now that I'm slipping in and out even in full-conscious operating mode.


On Tuesday, I met a green dragon who swam under water. Last night, I saw him again. He is of the water clan; very agile, and very graceful. He is beautiful. The dragon watched me with inquisitive beady eyes. I think he is as much curious about me as I am about him.

He hasn't given me his name.

I will find out, yet.

But for now, I need to anchor down to get some work done. And rest, yes, rest would be good. Red* is not very happy that I am exhausting myself. He's having a rampant throe. I must ground myself - ground myself and be patient. No use chasing after the water dragon right now. I have presented myself.

Now, he will come and find me.

It is my wish and this is how it shall be.


*Red: For those of you who recently just tuned in, Red is a handsome red dragon with a tantrum of a Fire God. It took me nearly 3 years to tame him, 2 years before he even gave me his real name.

Red is relatively young (for a dragon) and once in a while, he would try my patience just to check if I still am worthy of his trust. He is the first dragon I've ever mastered and we are still learning from each other.

Sometimes, though, I wished my first dragon would be a little easier to handle. Red suffers a few issues I do not understand.

Oh well, the wiser and older - more stable - dragons are harder to capture, or so I've heard. Red will just have to bear with me in all the glory of my inexperience. Suck it up, buddy!


[ETA] Although, he did not show himself until 2 days ago, I have a feeling that the water dragon may have been following me since the beginning of the year. He may even have been assisting me in dealing with Red.

[ETA 2] Come to think of it, I think I remember our first contact now. It was during an Astral Travel Meditation. Jedi John led us into the third plane (I think that was what he called it).

"What did you see?" Jedi John inquired after the meditation.
"I'm not sure. It's all blurry like I forgot my glasses. And it was like I'm in a cave of some sort. And very hazy. All I see is a blob of something moving in the thick misty fog." I told my Jedi Master.
"Can you tell what kind of creature it is?"
"I think he is a dragon, but I don't know for sure. He sort of felt like a dragon, but there's something off about him, but I think he is a dragon."
"Did he speak to you?" Jedi John continued to ask.
"Yes, he said I already have it."

Well, that was my first official guided Astral Travel on January 21 of this year.

Funny, isn't it? I already had forgotten about the travel, until now. I didn't know what all of it meant. I didn't know what "you already have it" the dragon was referring to. I didn't ask the creature any question. My quest was to go in, make contact (which in my interpretation meant just say 'hello'), and leave.

I still don't know what it all meant. However, it does make sense that if I made contact with the water clan, that he would be living in a cave at the bottom of a waterfall, which also explains the blurry image I saw, with the mist and all that. (And we thought I got blurry picture because I'm still new and haven't adjusted to Astral Traveling. Ha! Jedi John will be so proud of me!) It also explains why I thought he looked funny. Water clan has elongated body (or so I've heard), sort of a mix between the Chinese dragon and typical European dragon, which was exactly what I think I saw.

I also got a quick glimpse of a horse-y looking creature. It turned out that the girl next to me made contact with a unicorn. Hee-hee. I brain-bled into her astral plane.

...told you it was easy to slip when I'm in a meditated state. O_o

[ETA 3] I think I'll just call him Green until he gives me a name. Ha!

new religion, dreamworld, psychonaut, dracon

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