I wanna kill. I wanna cut. Rip your heart out. Make you shut up.

Feb 20, 2007 12:56

[WARNING] I'd suggest you skip this section if you are not comfortable will a full-on rage and profanity. I will probably regret this "out of control scenario" later on, but right now, I'm out for blood.


Explain this to me like I am stupid. Really.

For those of you who claimed to be "enlightened." Why do you have such low tolerance of people of the "lesser" fortune?

Does "enlightened" at this time not meant that you have more understanding of humanity? Does "enlightened" at this time not meant that you can push pass the racial differences, gender differences, or personal differences? Does "enlightened" at this time not meant more power to you so that you can help those less fortunate who are trying to find themselves and their good standings?

Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe "enlightened" meant that you are right and the rest of the world is wrong. Maybe "enlightened" meant put as much money in your pocket and climb as high as you can get on the social structure and the rest of the world be damned. Maybe "enlightened" meant that your opinion is the only truth and the rest of the world is just damned stupid ignorance imbecile fucktards.

Because if that is the case, then you might as well just leave me here in ignorance bliss. I want no part in thinking that anyone, ANYONE, is just plain old stupid. Because I cannot believe that. It's not in my dictionary. It's not in my vocabulary.

Anyone you think is "stupid" can do at least one thing better than you. Think about it. Look with non-judgmental eyes. Each of us accelerates differently and in different ways.

So, no. I do not understand. Who died and dubbed you the superior being that you can look down your nose and belittle other people? As far as I am concerned, we all have shit we need to figure out. You. Me. The Pope. The homeless down the street. No exception.

If you can't explain it to me and make me understand, then, maybe you are not as high and mighty, and all knowing, as you think you are.


And stop fucking tell me to stop fucking yelling because I am not yelling. If you think this is fucking yelling then prepare for a fucking ear-bleed and I'll show you what a fucking yelling of my clan sounds like. You pussy-foot of a fucking "enlightened" society.

'tupid real life, psychonaut

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