Title: “Cabin Fever”
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Characters/Pairings: Chakotay/Tom Paris, crew
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Word Count: c. 3,600
Warnings: Fluff, language, implied masturbation.
Timeline: Post-"Basics, Part II"
Summary: Chakotay grows a beard. It might just be Tom Paris’ undoing.
Notes: This is a belated birthday gift
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Comments 13
I love the progression of Tom's lust, the fact that you took your time and didn't rush it - that, in and of itself, lends so much to credibility. I know not everyone roots for this 'ship and won't 'see' it without proof but to have such a simple thing as hair color (or lack thereof in this case) be the catalyst for a complex change in relationship is oftentimes all that it ever takes. And of course, I feel warmed over by the fact that you've chosen a particular kink of mine from another fandom ;) to infuse Chakotay with here. It's really something to keep me going when days are rough. <3
I love that Tom takes charge and that Chakotay's response is so in character. You must post this elsewhere. And I may have to photoset something in solidarity. All the love for my birthday fic. ALL.
Thank you so, so much for this comment. It's good to know that Tom's progression throughout the story felt right. And I'm happy you also share an appreciation for a take-charge!Tom and silver-haired men ;-)
Oh, a photoset?! I could never say no to that. This will probably make its way to Tumblr eventually.
Thank you again for this comment! And happy belated birthday.
I hope to write more of this pairing, and soon!
I'm going to rec your story to a dear friend who loves C/P. :)
I'm very flattered you want to rec this fic! Thank you. And it's good to know there are other C/P fans still out there :)
I'm with Shayenne - I would totally read more C/P from you! Nice job :-).
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