Title: Nor The Years Condemn (6/6) - Complete
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, DI Lestrade
Pairing: Lestrade/OCs (mentioned); Lestrade/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own them
Word Count: c. 6,200 (this part); c. 37,000 total
Warnings: Language; Age Discrepancy; Mild Sexuality; Drug Use
Spoilers: None
archea2 Summary: Greg Lestrade is forty-
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Comments 25
Angst and fluff are so easy sometimes, so self indulgent. This series is fiercely disciplined into something far more real. You took your time to look inside Lestrade and to incrementally build toward moments. In removing the high drama, you created quiet depths that will be with my always.
I am struggling with many issues of aging and your sensitive portrayalm of it will be something I return to. I'll be re-reading this start to finish sometimes in the next few days and laughing at myself for not being able to leave it alone.
Not only do I cherish what you've done here, but I respect it. I hope you are giving yourself some kind of very nice reward for all your hardwork.
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(I thought you might like the bits with the hair. Good to hear!)
And a sidenote: Happy Birthday, my friend! I hope it's a good one :)
Thank you, thank you for this comment. Oh, that really means the world. I hadn't intended, when I wrote the original story back in July, for this to turn into a 'verse on its own...and I certainly didn't expect such a lengthy prequel! I'm so happy to hear that you feel like it fits snugly into this universe. I have to admit I was a little nervous, seeing as I wrote the various ficlets out of order.
Anyway, thank you for the wonderful feedback on each installment and for just being awesome in general. It's meant a lot! :)
Thanks again!
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