
May 31, 2017 17:19

Heeeey, Martian fans! Guess who finally posted a new fic? Don't read it, though, because it's tragic.

"Requiem" - Beck/Watney

And guess who posted a fic that's been sitting in her drafts for over a year now?

"Prodigal Son" - Star Trek: Voyager, Chakotay/Paris

Nothing much new to report on the writing side of things. I have an agent who expressed interest in my manuscript last month, so I sent them some pages they requested and am waiting to hear back about that.

I've been sucked into some new fandoms in the meantime that I want to write ALL THE THINGS for but have none of the headspace yet to do it. I hope to get there someday. Wanna listen to a podcast about a bisexual non-binary private investigator on Mars? Please check out The Penumbra and then come talk to me about it because I neeeeeeed to flail with people. Wanna read about a gay gangster in 1960s London and be bowled over by angst? Please read The Long Firm, go watch the TV show, and then come find me so I can scream into the void with you. 

writing, fanfic

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