Missing scene that takes place waaaaaaaaay back when Mokuba, Noa and Jounouchi got grounded for
stealing Seto's breifcase.
One of the smaller perks of working for Kaiba was that Jounouchi had his own laptop with an incredibly fast wireless connection. This meant that anytime he felt like it, and remembered where he had put it this time, he could surf the internet, play games or chat with random duellists from around the world.
The downside to this was that after most of a week of nothing to do but play on the laptop, he was bored. B-O-R-E-D. With capital letters, long suffering sighs and thoughts of seeing if strangulation was fun, because being passed out had to be more entertaining than -this-.
Not that Ol' Blue Eyes cared. The rat-bastard was sitting at his usual desk, typing away with a serious expression on his face. Just like he had been doing ever since he had grounded Jounouchi, Mokuba and Noa. Kaiba hadn't even gone on any inspections or visited the Research and Development departments, having spent the entire time either in the office or in various meetings.
Jounouchi hadn't even been aware that he -could- be grounded. Really, at his age, and having moved out of his folks' house, he would have thought he was a bit old for it. But 'grounded' had a slightly better feel to it than 'jail sentence' or 'Punishment Game'.
Although it was all not so obviously part of Ol' Blue Eyes secret plan. To encourage the idea that the next time that either Mokuba or Noa had some sort of crazy hair brained scheme, Jounouchi would remember this boredom and talk them out of it.
-Yeah, right.
Kaiba shifted, looking towards the door. "Something wrong?" Jounouchi asked from his seat on the floor, leaning against the desk next to Kaiba's chair. It had been Jounouchi's idea to sit there, the only other chairs were murder on everyone's back and the floor was comfortable, having lots of nice padding. Yeah, it looked like Ol' Blue Eyes had him leashed to the desk, but it was a good place to hide out unobserved and take the occasional nap.
"My next appointment appears to be late." Kaiba's eyes narrowed in displeasure. The Dragon hated to be kept waiting.
Jounouchi checked the time on his laptop. "Nope." He cheerfully reported, pulling an already knotted tie out of his pocket, took off the top hat and slid the tie over his head, tightening it slightly around his neck. It still hung lower than the leather collar, but that was all right. "They're right here."
After all, one -should- wear a tie to a business function. Even if it was over a tee-shirt and tail coat.
One of Kaiba's eyebrows rose. "I... see." He said in a tone that clearly stated that he did not see at all.
Jounouchi got to his feet with a grin and brushed himself off. "Discovered something a while back that I thought ya prolly didn't know about and should. And with all the recent downtime I've had lately, figured it was as good of a time as any to look into it a little deeper."
Kaiba leaned back in the chair, elbows on the chair arms, fingers twined together, one leg crossed over the other at the knee, looking every inch the sceptical regal king on a throne. "And you arranged an appointment for this in my schedule rather than merely telling me, why-?"
Jounouchi shrugged. "More fun this way." He pulled a USB drive off the side of his laptop and tossed it to Kaiba, who caught it with the least amount of effort required. "Information's all on there. I suck at powerpoint presentations, but I can organise files in order."
Ol' Blue Eyes raised an eyebrow and stuck the memory stick into a port on the side of the table. Solid System projectors, built into the table itself hummed and came to life, showing a Blue Eyes White Dragon in full flight.
"And this required my attention?" Kaiba snarked dismissively. If he wanted to see his dragons in flight, he could go downstairs and look at the ceiling for a while.
"Just watch." Jounouchi said easily. A second Blue Eyes joined the first, the two dragons chasing each other, performing gracefully acrobatic flips, twists and turns as they flew.
And then the second Blue Eyes, heh, -joined- the first one, limbs and tails entwined around each other as they rutted in the sky.
Kaiba's eyes widened slightly, the only indication of what might be running through his head. Jounouchi smirked. Gotcha.
"Of course, if that doesn't do it for ya." He grinned, leaning over Kaiba's shoulder and toggling the next scene. This time it was a Red Eyes Black Dragon and a Blue Eyes White Dragon that were sensuously tangled together. Claws and fangs scratched ineffectually at armoured skin as the two twisted in the air, mighty wings beating strongly to keep them up and driving them closer together.
It was sort of like looking at a warped yin-yang concept, with dragons. Artistic, in a dangerous sort of way.
"And if you're not into Dragons..." Which Kaiba most definitely -was-, if the slightly glazed dilated eyes and interested spicy scent Kaiba was giving off was any indication. Jounouchi had guessed that he would be and had purposely gone through and saved all of the Blue Eyes White Dragon porn he could find for Kaiba to go through later and at his own leisure. Besides, what else did you give a severely repressed business mogul who could buy anything he wanted? "There's always the other monsters."
He cued the next file segment, Black Magician was performing his Pointy Hat Trick on a very enthusiastic Black Magician Girl. Black Magician Girl's costume had finally submitted to the laws of gravity and was popping out all over the place as she showed her appreciation for Black Magician's antics.
Kaiba didn't seem quite as interested in that as he had been the dragons, so Jounouchi went on to the next one. Celtic Warrior and the Black Magician were happily comparing the versatility of each other's weapons. That got a little bit more attention, but not quite as much as the dragons. Jounouchi moved on to the next clip.
A yellow rodent had a Kuriboh in its grasp, making soft repeated 'Pika' sounds as it thrust against the Kuriboh. Kaiba's interest changed to shock as his jaw dropped slightly, watching the spectacle. The rodent sped up its thrusts, a crackling electrical charge building up around it. "CHUUUUU!!!" The rodent screamed.
The Kuriboh exploded, taking the yellow rodent with it.
Jounouchi cackled. He'd yet to get tired of that.
"That is..." Kaiba seemed to be at a loss for words. "What -was- that?!"
"Well..." Jounouchi drawled, sitting on the arm of Kaiba's chair. "Evidently some of the engineers get bored while running scenarios late at night and started coming up with their own. Hence the dragons and the Black Magician. He seems to be a favourite for some reason. The Kuriboh was fan made, evidently there's quite a large Duel Monsters fanbase online."
"People... go out of their way to -make- this?" Kaiba boggled. Well, as much as Kaiba boggled.
"For free too." Jounouchi agreed. "Spend their own time and money on it, just cause they enjoy the game or the monsters, even if they don't play. Make their own scenarios, draw 'fanart', write 'fanfiction', create webshrines, all sorts of things. Which, in turn, gets their friends and other people into it. Free advertisement at it's best. It's not just the monsters either, a lot of the Duellists have fans too."
Kaiba gave him a rather bland look as if to state he knew -that-. He'd had screaming hordes of fans for -years-.
"Maybe I should rephrase that." Jounouchi smirked, clicking down to a different folder. "Ever heard of 'RPS'?"
"'Role Playing System'?" Ol' Blue Eyes mused.
"Not quite." Jounouchi chuckled. "'Real Person Slash'. Usually fanfiction is written about characters in a made up TV series, movie or book. 'Real Person Slash' is fans writing the actors themselves getting it on. 'Slash' means same sex relationships, somethin' about an old Star Trek reference." He still didn't quite understand that part, something about Kirk/Spock or something like that.
"Wait..." Kaiba gave him a wary look. "Duellists? Real Person Slash? You're not implying-"
"Implyin' nothing." Jounouchi clicked on the top picture, one of the two sides of Yuugi curled around each other, joined by the puzzle. "Some o' those fangirls are pretty sharp, figured out the whole 'Two Faces of Yuugi' pretty quick. As far as they're concerned, the major duellists are all having a massive orgy every time there's a major tournament."
This time Kaiba's jaw did drop, his mouth opening slightly as he glanced between the two Yuugi and Jounouchi. Jounouchi smirked back. "They even got names fer it. Yuugi and his other self are 'Puzzleshipping', Ryou and his darker half are 'Tendershipping' fer some reason, Bakura and Malik are 'Thiefshipping', Yuugi and myself are 'Wishshipping', Ryuuzaki and Insector Haga are 'Shrimpshipping', Honda and Otogi are 'Chaseshipping', there's hundreds of these."
Kaiba gave him a withering look. "Please tell me that Mokuba isn't involved in these... 'Shippings'."
"Eh... not so much." People tended to go for the older, leather wearing Duellists. But there was Tabloidshipping, Kaiba and Mokuba. Stepshipping, Mokuba and Noa. Conditionshipping, Gozaburou and Mokuba... actually, that one was just creepy. So was 'Conscriptshipping', Gozaburou, Ol' Blue Eyes and Mokuba. Geh. That one he didn't wanna even think about. Old evil guy sex. Ew.
Not that he was going to mention -those- to Kaiba. Ol' Blue Eyes was EXTREMELY protective of his -little- brother.
Kaiba growled something under his breath that probably would have been highly fascinating if Kaiba's jaw hadn't been clenched shut. Jounouchi flipped through some of the art for the various 'shippings, giving Kaiba a moment to stop raging. And some of the art was pretty good, a couple of them being a lot more flattering than the people actually were. Some of it wasn't so good. The fics were the same variations of extremes, although he did have to protest that he wasn't a weepy little bottom, submitting to his master's every whim.
"And you and I are called?" Kaiba finally asked.
The expression on Kaiba's face was a bit hard to read. Either he'd just bitten into a pair of Mokuba's gym socks or he really wanted to repeatedly hit his head against the desk.
"It's fairly popular." Jounouchi added cheerfully. "You and Mai are 'Arrogantshipping', you and Yuugi is 'Rivalshipping', you, me and Yuugi is 'Battleshipping'-"
"-I get the picture." Kaiba cut him off. He made some muttered comments about free advertising versus disturbing perverts.
"I've got links to some of the sites on the drive." Jounouchi added helpfully. "Although you may want to avoid the Fuchsiashipping."
"Fuchsiashipping?" Kaiba echoed warily.
"Pegasus and Siegfried von Schroider." Jounouchi smiled. "Rumour has it that Pegasus is alive and well on an private island somewhere having FABULOUS nookie with Siefried."
He could practically see Kaiba's brain shut down and begin to ooze out of his ears.
Abort. Retry. Fail. Repeat.
Jounouchi patted Kaiba on the shoulder. "So I was thinking of heading down to the Arcade for a bit. That okay with you?"
Kaiba nodded automatically, his brain still attempting to reboot and failing. "Great. See you later." Jounouchi quickly skipped out of the office, waved at the secretary and scrambled into the elevator before Ol' Blue Eyes snapped out if it. It probably wouldn't take too long and he wanted to be away before that happened. Although he would stay in the building.
Grinning, he pulled out his mobile phone and called Yuugi's number. Yuugi picked up on the second ring. "Jounouchi-kun!!!"
"Hey, Yuugi." Jounouchi's tail thumped happily against the elevator wall. "I just slipped my leash for a few hours, wanna come play?"
"I'll be right there."
-we couldn't acutally remember the name for the Pegasus/Siegfried shipping, so Ysabet came up with Fuchsiashipping and we went with it.
a few good fics for the pairing too.