(no subject)

Mar 09, 2006 04:20

name = Sebastian Mulciber.
tattoos = None. Yet.
height= 5'9"
hair colour = Blondish brownish.
siblings = None. I don't have any.

movie you watched = I try to avoid them. Muggle life must be so dreary. They would watch the pictures on the front page of the Daily Prophet for hours if you let them.
movie you bought = The Minister making an ass out of himself on the front page of the Prophet.
song you listened to = Pink Floyd- Us And Them
person you've called = Huh?
tv show you've watched = Oh, the idiot box? Lame.

you have a crush on someone = As in wanting to grab them by the hair and fu-... Erm, define crush.
you wish you could live somewhere else = Eh, Hogwart's isn't too bad for now.
you think about suicide = No.
others find you attractive = Yes.
you want more piercings = Yeah, actually.
you write in cursive or print = Print. Unless I'm writing to my parents.

long distance relationships= Fuck. That.
suicide = For. It might narrow down the stupid people.
people = What kind of people?
smoking = For.
driving drunk = For drunkenness, against driving.
gay/lesbian relationships= I'm only for gay relationships if both chicks are hot.

ever cried over a girl = No.
ever cried over a boy = No.
ever lied to someone = Yes.
ever been in a fist fight = Yes.

shampoo do you use = Monsieur Gustav's Lifting Rinse.
shoes do you wear = Depends. Brown leather boots right now.
are you scared of = Nothing. Duh.

of times I have been in love?= Never.
of times I have had my heart broken? = Never. I've been told by several dozens of women that I don't have one, apperantly.
of hearts I have broken? = Probably a few.
of times my name has appeared in the paper? = A couple.

pretty = No.
funny = Yes. I crack myself up.
hot = Yeah.
friendly = To certain people.
amusing = Ask others.
dorky = No.

4 letter word: Fuck.
Candy: Licorice wands (the black ones, mind you).
Cartoon: No.
Cereal: Maple oatmeal.
Color(s): Green, black, brown.
Color nail polish: None.
Day of week: Saturday.
Least favorite day: Monday.
Flower: I don't know.
Jello flavor: Cherry.
Jewelry: Hemp necklaces, a couple chain bracelets and a watch (No, not a muggle watch before any of you dipshits ask).

|| Person who last.. ||
Slept in your bed: Hmm, not sure.
Saw you cry: I don't.
Made you cry: No one.
Yelled at you: Leoni. Fiesty little bitch, that one.

|| Have you ever.. ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: And meant it? Never.
Gone out in public in your pyjamas: a couple times. And as I sleep almost nude, those were interesting nights.
Kept a secret from everyone: None of your business.
Cried during a movie: Haha.
Planned your week based on the TV: And the sad part is, I bet there's muggles who do that.
Been on stage: Yes...
Been to New York: Yes.
Been to California: Yes.
Hawaii: Yes.
China: No, actually.
Jamaica: Yes.
Canada: Yes.
Europe: Yes.
Australia: No.
Wished you were another gender: Hell no.
What time is it now?: 4:45pm.

|| This or That? ||
Apples or bananas?: Bananas.
Blue or red?: Red.
Spring or Fall?: Spring.
Pancakes or Waffles?: Pancakes.

What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Smoke a cigarette.
What was the last meal you ate?: Lunch.
Are you bored?: Yes.
Last noise you heard?: Some first year moaning about his cat missing.
Last smell you sniffed?: My cologne.

|| Friendship/Love ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Never.
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Enterainment.

|| Other Info ||
Criminal record?: Heh.
Do you speak any other languages?: A bit of Spanish, a bit of German, a bit of Japanese. I can speak just enough to get around.
Last book you read: Not sure. Something for Care of Magical Creatures.

|| You ||
Nickname(s): Mulciber, Asshole.
How old do you look?: I don't know. Older than 17, probably.
How old do you act?: It depends.
Glasses/Contacts: Neither.
Braces: Ew.
Do you have any pets?: A dog at home, Cerberus.
You get embarrassed: Not easily. I have no shame.
What makes you happy?: Quite a few things, actually.
What upsets you?: A few things.

|| Finish the sentence: ||
Id love to... do a lot of things. I can't narrow it down.
I Wish i could... do something interesting. I'm bored out of my skull.
I'm Annoyed... with a lot of people and things.
I Want to... smoke.
I Am Tired.... of my parents. Another fucking owl? What do they want? Gods.

Um. Where are all the cats?
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