(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 16:17

Age: 22
Weight: 118
Heighest Weight: 134
Lowest Weight: 103 (when i was doing ballet hardcore in high school... it was amazing)
Goal Weight : 100
Fave food : pad thai
Fave Drink : water, peppermint tea, diet coke
Fave Exercise : running
Thinspo : mary kate, ashley - i'm obsessed with them.
Where do you slip up? being alone in my room, procrastinating from writing papers.
When did it start? in high school... i 'recovered' and got really fat, and a couple of years ago, when i knew i wouldn't be living with my parents ever again, i was able to go hard again
Why did it start? drugs made me thin in high school, and i loved it. when i look back at those pictures, they're the happiest i can remember being about my body. i want it back... i don't want to drugs back though. try not eating without coke
Does Anyone know? LJ friends... and the people who know but don't want to say anything, because it would cause conflict... like my boyfriend. who just forces me to eat, so we don't have to talk about it.
Do you want help? i want help being thinner... not getting 'better'
Diet pills? yea... have tried tons. anything i can find
fave binge food: fries
Fave dieting food: popcorn and soup
How many cals do you consume a day? never more than 1000, usually between 400-700
What tips do you use to lose weight? i often get together with friends to hang out, and i've begun meeting them for coffee at times when we should be eating lunch... it helps me skip, and i still get to see people. keep busy
What do you see when you look in the mirror? a pot belly, fat arms, inner thighs!!
Are you in a relationship? yes
If so, Do they pressure you to be thin? no... they pressure me to be the opposite... he started dating me when i was fat though... so i don't know what he sees in me
Are you the fat or thin one out of your friends? i used to be the thin one, but now i'm in the middle... i would say the fat one, but i have some really disgustingly fat friends...
Are you depressed? sometimes i think so.
Do you self harm? not recently... well. a couple of times a couple of weeks ago. but usually only once a month of so
Ever tried to commit suicide? four times in high school.
Ever been to a psychologist?? no - that would mean my parents would have to admit there was a problem
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