I'd ride his moterbike anytime

Aug 31, 2007 20:39

NAME [What you prefer to be called]: Lauren
AGE [Attributed to LJ's rules, thirteen and over only]: 14
SN/EMAIL/METHOD OF CONTACT [I'm not letting you disappear on me]: Hilary4evaE@yahoo.com

1.What, pray tell, is your favorite villain from a fandom aside from Harry Potter?
My favorite villain from a fandom aside from Harry Potter would be the gang about of the Earth Protectors Associatiion in the movie Up, Up and Away on Disney Channel. I find it funny that a bunch of non magical humans can devise a computer software program used to control the minds of teenagers around the globe. The fact that they created a cell out of aluminum to capture the super heroes was very cool in my book.
2.)Who is your favorite character? What about your least?:[Remember, choosing a Gryffindor character does not assure you a spot in the house, nor does choosing a Slytherin make you a snake.]
My favorite character would have to be Mundungus Fletcher. I admire his accent in the books and in general his careless and layed back personality. I love his daring personality. I think it is absolutely wonderful to go out on the limb and do things without worrying about consequence. I like how he has the desire to eavesdrop on other people and to find out things that other people in the wizarding world do not get the pleasure of hearing. My least favorite character would be Molly Weasley because she seems to safe and cautious. She seems to have a hard time facing reality and she wants to keep her kids in the dark for her own peace of mind. She doesn't realise how grown up her kids are and how they have the maturity to know some of the things that are happening in the Order. I just wish that Molly could learn to be more relaxed. She seems so uptight and over protected of her children.
3.)What do you personally feel are your three best character traits? What about your three most negative? Why do you feel this, and how have they affected you?

Positive Personality Traits

hard-working: I think this is one of my strongest personality traits because when I put my mind at something I stick to it. I find this trait shows it's true colors the most during school. I am someone who is very passionate about learning and I stop at nothing to please my teachers and to have good grades.

wit: I am someone who has a very humorous and spontaneous personality. I love to have fun and to laugh and the most random of times. People see that I have a funny and lively personality the first time that they meet me.

clever: I think I am a very creative person who loves to think of new and exciting ideas to go about doing tasks. You cannot see this side of me through first impression. It takes time and you really have to take a look at me inside and out in order to see this inner beauty.

Negative Personality Traits

self-centered: I am someone who tries to be caring and considerate but many times I forget to think about others and I end up coming off as self-centered. I sometimes care about my possessions more then the people that truelly love me. I don't want to come off as a self-centered person but it just happens. I think I behave this way because it all has to do with naturally how my personality is made up. I remember my mom wanted to see my grandmother and I said I didn't want to go and she got really mad at me and said that my grandmother was not going to live that muct longer and it would really mean alot to her if I went with her and not complain about the lack of technology. Naturally I did complain.

potty-mouth: Sometimes I swear to much. I don't know why but sometimes I find it cool to swear. I know that it is not a good example to express to others and it is looked down upon. I randomly swear over little things that really don't matter. I mean I stub my toe and I might say the s word.

Not thinking before I act: Sometimes I can get extremely angry and I forget to control myself emotionally. My face may get very hot and I could start hypervenilating. I sometimes say things that I don't mean and I loose my temper.
4.)You have to die. You are allowed to choose your death, what would you choose and why? I would choose to die as an old lady warm in her bed. However, if that wasn't an option and if someone said that you are going to die on a certain date I would rather have it be painless and I would ask for lethal injection. I don't want it to be like a lingering medication that decays your body over a course of an hour. l want it to be fast and quick. It should only take about a minute and then I would be up in heaven dancing with Elvis Presley.
5.)You’re walking through one of the Hogwarts halls, and you run into a strange scene. In one area, you see a group of Hufflepuff’s chatting, near the other end of the room, you see a group of Gryffindors. In one corner, a group of Slytherin’s are mingling with a group of Ravenclaw’s nearby. How is each respective group interacting differently then the others? Why do you think that is?

Hufflepuff/Gryffinder: Well I believe that Hufflepuff is choosing an area to chat way from the Gryffindors. The passage said that the Gryffindors were at the other side of the room so perhaps theirs a feud between the two houses. I mean it's in a Gryffindor's nature to only be accepting of their own kind. I mean Hufflepuff is accepting of everybody but Gryffindor is probably choosing not to interact with them because their known to be to soft and sweet.
Ravenclaw/Slytherin: I believe that Ravenclaw and Slytherin are getting along because these houses are both hardworking and clever. Ravenclaw members are book smart and they know how to get good grades. They spend alot of time working on their studies. They know the tricks of the trade to get a good grade. Slytherin members are clever because they know how to trick other people into getting what they want. They are hardworking because they never fail in manipulating people from other houses. These two houses both have a somewhat greedy and aggressive mature. Ravenclaw aggressive for good grades, Slytherin aggressive for power. They make a good match mingling together.
6.)You have access to a time machine to see yourself in the future. How far ahead do you go, and what do you see? I would want to see myself at 30 years of age. I think I would see myself as an accomplished business woman that has a job that financially supports her. I want to have a loving husband and possibly some children. I want to be a vetrinarian or a animal officer that helps sick and injured animals. I hope this vision comes true because I would hate to see myself as a grubby old woman with bags under her eyes.
7.)What is your favorite book, movie, song. etc quote of all time, and why?

It is not good to dwell on dreams Harry, and forget to live" by Albus Dumbledore

I love this quote because it shows me something about my life and that I do dwell on dreams and some of them are impossible to actually come true and I end thinking so much about them that I forget about my responsibilities and I get so caught up in this fantasy world that it's hard to pull myself out.
8.)If you could change one thing about the books, what would it be and why?

I wish that J.K. Rowling gave more information to some of my pressing questions in the story. I mean at the end of the seventh book I asked myself, Where exactly did the Dursleys go into hiding? What happened to Lavender Brown in the story? What happened to the romance between Cho Chang and Harry Potter? I ask myself these questions and I hope that someday I would get the answer to these pressing questions. I wish Cho Chang was more involved in the story.
9.)If you could kill one character in the books, who would it be and why?
If I could kill one character in the books I would demolish Draco Malfoy. I find it some disturbing when at times he acts so brave and then a few minutes later he is cowering like a little baby. In the Prisoner of Azkaban he acted so rough and tough when confronting Buckbeak the Hippogriff but when Buckbeak attacked him because he felt unsafe Draco turned into a whiny little baby that insisted that the creature killed him. He even went as far as trying to get Buckbeak executed. He is so unbelievable. I can laugh so hard because of his cowardness in the series.
10.)What's one thing you would do if you knew you would suffer no consequences from it?
If there was one thing I would do without suffering any consequences I would go to my local Target and shoplift a bunch of DVD's. I would first steal all the Full House season disks and then look for the new movie Georgia Rule. I have always wanted a 30 GB, Black, Ipod Video. I would probably take magazine Life Story: Miley Cyrus and the new book Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows. I would have a field day in the store. I would buy the biggest high defination, flat screen TV! I would probably raid mostly everything from the electronic section, except for CD's because I can always get those from Limewire. It would be great if I could shoplift with no consequences. However, we live in a world where it's totally illegal and I have no plans for spending a life in prison.
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