i´d ride his motorbike anytime...

Jul 30, 2007 20:30

NAME [What you prefer to be called]: Josi
AGE [Attributed to LJ's rules, thirteen and over only]: 13
SN/EMAIL/METHOD OF CONTACT [I'm not letting you disappear on me]: love.is.abuse.made.pretty@gmail.com

1.)What, pray tell, is your favorite villain from a fandom aside from Harry Potter?
the evil vampires from the series twilight (im spacing on their names at the moment) because they seem to be very good at what they do, they have a well devised plan.

2.)Who is your favorite character? What about your least?:[Remember, choosing a Gryffindor character does not assure you a spot in the house, nor does choosing a Slytherin make you a snake.]
my absolute favorite character is severus snape. he seems like the sort of person that would be difficult to really get to know but when you do get to fully know him, hes a nice, decent, trustworthy person, someone you could rely on without worries of being decieved. wormtail (peter pettigrew) is my least favorite character because of what he did to james and lily potter. one of the things i cant stand at all is betrayal.

3.)What do you personally feel are your three best character traits? What about your three most negative? Why do you feel this, and how have they affected you?
my positive personality traits are probably that im creative, i can express myself in many ways with lots of different mediums. im also quite logical, i think things through (most of the time) and im good at math. my third positive personality trait is that i can get very involved in things (some would say "obsessed"... i like to think of it as enthusiasm)like for a while i was very into beading, then henna, then cupcakes, then pixie stix, then baking... also when i have to plan things or events or projects, because of the whole enthusiasm thing i usually get it done really thouroughly and i enjoy doing it.
one of my negative personality traits is that im stubborn and i usually dont settle (i guess you could call me a perfectionist)and i can be very cold or rude to people if i really dont feel like talking or am upset or angry or something. my mood changes constantly and its not a good thing, i can get angry at people really quickly or mad at myself, anything really.

4.)You have to die. You are allowed to choose your death, what would you choose and why?
i think i would wish to drown (in the ocean) because ive always loved water, especially oceans and seas (hence the fact that im part of a mermaid community) and if i were to have to spend eternity somewhere, i would choose to spend it underwater, in the unexplored.

5.)You’re walking through one of the Hogwarts halls, and you run into a strange scene. In one area, you see a group of Hufflepuff’s chatting, near the other end of the room, you see a group of Gryffindors. In one corner, a group of Slytherin’s are mingling with a group of Ravenclaw’s nearby. How is each respective group interacting differently then the others? Why do you think that is?
i think the hufflepuffs are more physical in their interaction (more hugging, that sort of thing)because they seem to be warmer, a bit more trusting of one another, very open.
the gryffindors talk loudly, laugh loudly, seem to live in the moment, i suppose. i think its because they are less shy of the other houses, unafraid to be judged.
the slytherins and the ravenclaws are standing a bit farther apart from each other but still seem to be enjoying one anothers company. they talk a bit softer than the rest as if they are keeping a secret or talking about something that is not meant for other ears. the ravenclaws seem a bit more shy than the rest of the houses therefore seem to drawback a bit when with the slytherins, and the slytherins seem to dominate the ravenclaws because of their self confidence (which by the way is not a bad thing)

6.)You have access to a time machine to see yourself in the future. How far ahead do you go, and what do you see? either only a year or two to see if ill be okay in the near future, to assure myself everything will be okay (or not) or to just about before i die (hopefully of old age) to see if the end of my life will be nice and comfortable and that i had lived a long and full life.

7.)What is your favorite book, movie, song. etc quote of all time, and why?
we all want to die like movie stars you said as you jumped from the hieght of our cutting room floor while above us. glowing. exploding. our dreams burst forth in light and death. watch as city lights. dance for us.
afi "kiss and control"
this is my favorite quote at the moment, that is. kiss and control is one of my favorite songs, based on lyrics. this quote, to me, seems to represent beauty in words. its like watching a dance and each person interperating it a different way. for me, this quote means more than just words. it means the light at the end of the tunnel. for me words and lyrics and songs are hope.

8.)If you could change one thing about the books, what would it be and why? i think i would change the last book. i think i would add more details and answer more question because ( to me at least) the last book didnt answer all my questions.

9.)If you could kill one character in the books, who would it be and why? i think i would kill beallatrix or perhaps someone very close and dear to her so she could realize how much it hurts to have someone dear taken from you.

10.)What's one thing you would do if you knew you would suffer no consequences from it? hmm... thats difficult. i would probably sneak out and just escape for a few days, do whatever a want. wander around the city for a while and just bask in the pure freedom of it.
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