Winter Court - Directives

Nov 22, 2011 22:54

[OOC: Consider this to be part of the Council, I'm simply making a new post to bring it to the top. Also of note in the Council thread is where characters can begin to request boons of the Emperor, should they so desire.]

My friends, we have dined together and I have heard your wishes. Now, I must issue some commands. There are a number of things wrong with the Empire, and as the Kingdoms and Church in my service, it is your duty to uphold the peace and stability of this land. I expect all of you to leave here with at least one directive, while I am now accepting volunteers for these duties if nobody chooses to take them up I will command it of them.

First is a matter of a lich having taken up residence in Drigloth. I would see his undead horde eradicated and his minions routed.

Second is a matter of heresy, I am told false prophets of the pagan faiths. I would see these prophets brought to justice.

Third is a matter of murder, a number of nobles have fallen by thoroughly suspicious means. In addition, attempts on the lives of many of my Imperial Advisors have also been made. While I am unsure of the two acts are connected, I would have the perpetrator brought to justice.

Fourth is a matter of public security, a number of murders have been taking place within the Imperial City itself, common men and watchmen cut down by vicious knifings in the street. Find the culprit, and see that he hangs for his despicable crimes.

Fifth is also a matter of public security, a number of cities have been targeted and attacked by a man who has been referred to as "Ragna the Bloodedge." Hunt him down and bring him to justice.

The last two items on my agenda are currently more investigative in nature. Of these two, one is investigating the deaths of a number of known criminals all over the empire. They appear to have died due to heart failure, but so many cannot be a coincidence. I sense the blackest of magics at work, and I would have the culprit stopped, if one can be ascertained.

The final item is not necessarily a problem, but something worth investigating. A man of some sort taking on the aspect of a bat has been seen around the Imperial City, especially in the Gotham district. He appears to be attacking criminals, but he does not kill them, he delivers them to the watch. While I applaud the individual's efforts, I would see that he be brought in and work more closely with the sanctioned magistrates. This is more of a curiosity, so I will not require investigation on this, if nobody is interested.

I am now accepting volunteers, I do not wish to have to assign tasks but I shall if necessary.

[OOC Part 2: Characters, either individually or as an entire Kingdom who are present at the banquet may request to take up a task, but these will be assigned if nobody accepts them. If you want to take up a task, simply reply here with your character, they are open to individuals, kingdoms and factions. More than one volunteer will be accepted, so feel free to volunteer for those you think are good, just know that the Emperor will hold you to that.

I highly advise making a plotting post or contacting the player who mentioned it. Contact page is found here, if your information isn't up and your character is mentioned please post your contact info. In order:

First task is Xykon (Player is Dragon)
Second task is Waka (Player is Shini). There may be more heretics out there, feel free to make an OOC post if your character is also being a heretic.
Third task is Avshar (Player is Eric) and The Major and other Millenium operatives, particularly Schrodinger (Players are AOB and Andy respectively)
Fourth task is Black Mage (Player is AOB)
Fifth task is Ragna (Player is Equilibratum)
Sixth task is Light Yagami (Player is Void)
Seventh task is Batman (Player is Eric)

I have no expectations to how these resolve, it could be as easy as an "I couldn't find something" or as involved as a pitched chess duel/verbal sparring match. Totally up to you guys how you want to play it out, but hopefully this will help people get some plot balls rolling.

If you would prefer your character NOT be involved in this, please let me know and I will remove the option from the list.]
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