
Nov 15, 2011 21:14

[Mitsunari, Regent Governor of Sawa, is in his office at the palace, hard at work on preparations for the Emperor's Winter Court. He has to choose tablecloths for the Imperial banquet, and oversee the seating arrangements so court rivals aren't seated close enough to stab each other with the Imperial silverware. It's hard being a diplomat. Much harder than being some useless soldier with muscle for brains.

Truthfully, Mitsunari is less interested in tablecloths and more interested in trying to figure out what those Amestris bastards are plotting. They're always plotting something, after all, and they've been quiet for too long. He's sure if he glares in the general direction of Central long enough, all their plans will become clear to him. Unfortunately, Mitsunari's psychic powers don't work that way, and all he's managed to do is frighten the palace staff with his mutterings.

But you, brave adventurer, know that the Fox of Sawa is more bark than bite. Feel free to stop by, or bother him on his crystal.]

location: poennon, mitsunari ishida, light yagami

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