1st Flame

Dec 23, 2011 23:30


[It's the middle of the night, but Archer is awoken from her usual seated sleeping position by a sudden flash of premonition. Someone, somewhere - too far away to feel a specific sense of direction, which is good and frustrating at the same time - had summoned a Servant.]

[She had known this was coming, but the long lull between her arrival and this had convinced her that she might be able to spend some time with relatively few worries for Hayate's safety. Apparently, as she should have known, this was not to be.]

I should tell Hayate...

[Archer looks to the door to Hayate's room, where the girl is sleeping peacefully.]

...in the morning. Whoever this is is too far away, and Light is in Amestris anyway.

[So...in the morning, when Hayate wakes up. For now, Archer attempts to get back to sleep, lest her restlessness be a burden on her Master's mana.]

location: poennon

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