[Audio->Video->Audio Again]

Dec 06, 2011 21:42

[The sound of rustling papers fills the network for a moment, along with a voice mumbling softly in the background. The words are quiet, and for the most part it sounds like the whoever it is is merely musing over the crystal they have at the moment. Experimenting and seeing what it might do as they look it over.

A moment later, and the video function will turn on. The man on the other end looks fairly neat, despite several of his physical features displaying an idea of shagginess. His long, blonde hair is slightly ruffled but otherwise presentable, and his clothes and lab coat he's wearing seem neat aside from the unsettling small, crimson spots decorating the lab coat. On his face he appears to wear a contraption that looks like a cross between glasses and goggles, and what looks like a magnifying glass that could be flipped over the front of the goggles. His narrow mouth is curved into a pleased smile as he looks down at the crystal and into the video stream, his other arm holding several sheets of notes.]

Ah. Splendid! Magnificent! I've wanted to get a hold of one of these for quite some time but I could never quite...persuade any of my comrades to let me hold one of theirs! I suppose it's a moot point now, though.

Considering this is my first time to have the chance to speak to such a wide group as might be present over this device, allow me to pose a question! I'm quite curious as to what the opinions of those here are regarding the Rift. I don't mean just the place itself, but rather the potential it could have! If we are destined for something, as the name of these crystals would imply, is it not up to us then to-

[A small squawk as the papers drop out of his grip and on the floor. Dok switches the device back to audio as he continues to speak, hurriedly now, as he the ruffling sounds of him gathering the notes back up can be heard.]

Is it not up to us then to-to explore every angle as to what this destiny is? Certainly-certainly the Rift is not just a potential danger, but a place with incredible, perhaps infinite-no, no this sheet doesn't go here...-perhaps infinite possibility? An untapped reserve of possible energy, of possible power, of just utter potential? Wouldn't it be wise-ah yes, there you are! wouldn't it be wise, then, to explore it? To do all we might to learn about it, explore it, harness it?

Certainly, it would be a waste to let it just sit there, would it not?


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