This post tracks all player-run plots that are either in the planning phase or are in progress. In order to plan a plot, post to
imperial_plots, using either the Planning or In Progress tags, depending on what is appropriate, and link it in a comment below. In the title of the comment, please include whether it is a Planning or In Progress post, and ideally include some sort of title so players know what it is.
Those looking to become involved in player plots should check out Planning or In Progress plots for openings that may suit their characters.
The below plots are all plots in the planning phase. If you would like to start planning a plot, please make a post at
imperial_plots using the template below, and link to it in the comments below.
Plot Name: (Name of the plot, ideally somewhat descriptive of what it is)
Plot description: (Describe the plot you want to run, how it will go, what the major factors will be, and what the expected resolution will be if you have one.)
Plot Timeline: (When do you hope to start this plot and how long do you expect it to run)
Needed Characters: (Specify what kind of characters you need to fill in what roles in a plot. For example, you might need a member of the church to begin an inquisition to start the whole plot, or you might need a Kingdom leader to support or attack something. If you have already made plans, feel free to include specific character names. Be sure to be specific about what roles the characters will play in the plot)
Other: (Any additional notes)
Zodiac Stones (Open) Seaside Riftguard Campaign (Open) Investigation of Amestris (Open)
The below plots are all in progress. Once your plot is ready to go, please make a post at
imperial_plots using the template below, and link to it in the comments below. Note in the title if the plot is still open to new players or if it is closed. Should it become closed at any point, please comment that it has become closed.
Attack on Ringford (Open) Attack on Lich Stronghold (Open) Plot Name: (Name of the plot, ideally somewhat descriptive of what it is)
Plot description: (Describe the plot you want to run, how it will go, what the major factors will be, and what the expected resolution will be if you have one.)
Characters Involved: (List the characters involved in the plot)
Needed Characters: (If your plot is open to extra characters, describe what kind of roles need to be filled in the plot.)
Other: (Any additional notes)
Exploration and Rift plot rules
Occasionally, characters may want to go on an adventure to explore new areas such as the Fae realm or the Drachault mountains, or want to post a log about fighting the denizens of the Rift. Outside of instances of mod-driven plots, these can generally be handled by the players, so long as the players follow some ground rules.
Rift Plots:
At any given time, the two Riftguard kingdoms are under constant assault from creatures of the Rift. Logs against these creatures are allowed and encouraged, and can generally be run at the player's discretion whenever desired.
-Players may generally control the Rift creatures they are fighting, but fights against the Rift creatures should NEVER be easy. Simple undead such as skeletons or zombies strike terror into the hearts of common soldiers, and stronger Rift creatures are easily a match for a normal Rank 1 PC one-on-one.
-If desired, a single player may take control of the Rift creatures and control them, same general rules apply.
-Corruption is usually spread from contact with some Rift creature attacks or from being within the Rift itself. Also, casting magic within the confines of the Rift opens you up to the corruption as well, putting you at severe risk. All of these risks, however, can be nullified if carrying a crystal. No character can be corrupted unless the PC gives explicit permission.
-Rift creatures tend to mass up and assault either the land or the sea wall. They are not all mindless and some are capable of tactics, but in general mortals are capable of outthinking them.
-Extremely high-level Rift creatures (Taintspawn and Daemons) should not be controlled by the PCs without explicit permission, if either of them are showing up on the battle they should be named and likely controlled by a mod at least to some degree.
-Most Rift creatures are highly durable. No Rift creatures killed in the Rift boundaries stay dead, they will almost always rise again unless the corpses are destroyed with fire (and sometimes not even that will work). This is common knowledge.
-Crystal weapons are EXTREMELY effective against Rift creatures, as are spells channeled through Crystals. Rift creatures killed by crystal weapons or crystal-channeled spells are consumed by holy flame as they die and do not resurrect (with Taintspawn and Daemons being possibly excepted from this).
Quests and Adventures:
There are a number of unexplored areas within the Drachault mountains, as well as some hidden dungeons within the standard provinces themselves to be uncovered. If your characters wish to go on an adventure, you may do so.
-PM or IM the mod with the general details of the adventure, what you are doing, what you are hoping to accomplish, and where you are going.
-The mod will give you an outline of what will happen, what you will encounter, and what the end result will generally be.
-You may log it yourselves, players are welcome and encouraged to play out the various monsters you will encounter during the adventure.
-Any special perks gained from the quest will be rewarded after the log is completed. For example, if a province is high in Griffin population, once the quest is completed non-elite cavalry in that Kingdom may be able to be mounted on Griffins.
-Mods may request to run the log if something major is happening in it, but otherwise, the log should generally be run amongst the players. As with Rift battles, a single player may run it if desired, or everyone can do it cooperatively.