Resources List

Nov 30, 2010 07:07

Hmm, I suppose I should post this now... After all, I've been taking resources and never had the chance to credit them. Sooo here it is, although I'm not quite sure of how I'm supposed to organize a resources list.
And since I'm posting this so late, I'm probably forgetting some things I should add... So for now I only got this until I have more to add or happen to remember other sources (which is unlikely)

Icon Tutorials memories. Keep in mind that I only gathered them in those memories much after I initially found them, so there's some missing.
PSD Vault is also an amazing site for tutorials and inspirational artworks.

pixiv (Fanarts)
Dustloop (BlazBlue: CS sprites)
Dustloop (BlazBlue: CS Extend sprites)
Kurushii's PB album (BlazBlue official artwork)
Tauntloop (BlazBlue character emblems)
FF Wiki (Dissidia renders and artwork)
Dissidia Forums Snapshots (Dissidia in-battle screenies)
DFF CG Opening/Ending screenshots
Dissidia Duodecim Screenshots

Hybrid Genesis // Nienkju's Resources // flying high
avantgeeks crackxicons bttrfly_kiss sonofapeach ellaangelus erniemay thescrapbox wolfbane_icons lemoninthebath icons_by_mea about_forever ruthenia-alba unpresented tiger_tutorials twinstrikeish unwritten_icons whitebamboo wonderland__ cellardooricons emmaedholm big_blue_bin misarte mon_rox sintonia colorvary MIDNIGHT_ROAD thatgoldenrule woolfred pretty_packages

Obsidian Dawn // hawksmont // rubina119 // szuia // corelila // Brusheezy // Falln-Stock
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