gasp! isnt he a cutie?
rawr, i was playing around with the picture and acc. saved it into a "cartoon" picture, *tear*
yay, coheed is having a free show on the 19th, with SPARTA, woohoo! and more bands t.b.a, so im super duper excited. sarah offered to take me and that will be oh so exciting if she does because sarahs awesome! then on the 20th the dillinger escape plan and fear be4 the march of flames...ahh that weekend is gonna be awesome!<3!! haha..yeah well..ive been thinking a lot and you're not that great.. well to me you are but everyone else is saying so many bad things for me not to like about you..and its starting to work..kristins trying to hook me up with the boy above, i think hes soo adorable. hes 17, his names Jakey, his favorite bands are dillinger,everytime i die, and death cab and more but thats all I remember.. yeah hes really sweet too..haha and I bet yall dont really care but I like to share things when im actually pretty happy right now which is always "grounded" from the internet right now, for I have no clue what so ever why I failed it..the teacher hates me or something..I mean I dance pretty damn ;) oh,and, i passed spanish..the effing spanish teacher messed up..:) yeah, OH today i got two teeth pulled in the back on the top, omgggg it hurt super duper bad and bled a lot, ouchie. They made me take vicodin,valume and use that laughing gas stuff which was pretty crazy. and it was prescribed to me so dont get any thoughts! im as clean as a river. well im all sleepy and i was supposed to hang out with jakey and kristin today but I was too tired and such...well much <3 everyone. *muah*