40 things fanfic meme.

May 18, 2003 17:13

1. When he was fifteen, he had a crisis of faith and stopped going to temple every week. His parents didn't try to argue with him, but he still went on holy days for their sakes.
2. The seemingly congenital liberalism of the younger senior staff puts him to shame.
3. He didn't have a big argument with his brother David, they just grew apart.
4. When he was younger, he thought he'd always be bothered by the misspelling of his surname. Now he doesn't care, but he still makes a fuss when he wants to be a jerk.
5. He's known Sam Seaborn is a better writer than he is since the second time they cowrote. The first time Sam was nervous and distracted (he'd just come off the phone with Lisa) and Toby was in too much of a hurry to care.
6. He honestly believes Sam knows in what high esteem Toby holds him, and is surprised when things he means as compliments aren't interpretted that way.
7. He believes that if you're prepared to screw other people over to get something done, you've got to be prepared to screw yourself over first.
8. He doesn't know if he believes the ends can justify the means.
9. His respect for veterans is not born of their having being asked to die for their country but of their having been asked to kill for it.
10. He doesn't intend to act on his crush on CJ Cregg. If he had, it would have been while he and Andi were in the process of splitting up.
11. Josh Lyman still makes him nervous but he doesn't quite know why. (It's because Josh is only a few years younger than him but seems to come from a totally different world. It's because Josh refuses to accept failure. It's because Josh is so open with some of his emotions but so guarded with others, which Toby almost thinks is cheating.)
12. When he was twenty-four, he started going to temple regularly again although he wasn't quite sure he believed. He didn't tell his parents in case he stopped.
13. He believes in what he does.
14. He has nothing but respect for Jed Bartlet, which is why he forces himself to call on the latter's bullshit.
15. He honestly didn't care how many people knew about the MS before he did, only that he hadn't been told during the first campaign.
16. If he'd been told during the first campaign, he might have advised for the fact to be kept hidden but would have changed his mind within a week.
17. He knows he shouldn't take other people's political moves personally, and when he catches himself doing so he tries to laugh it off.
18. He's never felt about anyone the way he felt about Andi, but he doesn't feel that way any more.
19. He still writes "God" as "G-d" and then has to go back through his work and change it manually. Sam offered to show him how to make the word processing program do it for him, but Toby feels doing it this way is a sign of respect.
20. His first love was a girl with freckles all the way down her spine. He was seventeen.
21. He scores about a 1 on the Kinsey scale and thinks of himself as straight. He's been in love four times, and none of the times were with men.
22. He thinks of CJ as his equal and is always shocked to learn when it doesn't come across that way. He respects her a lot more than he used to, but doesn't want to sleep with her any more. If he ever thought about it, he'd claim the two weren't linked.
23. He liked the way Mandy Hampton wasn't afraid of any of them. He could have told her in advance that the thing between her and Josh wouldn't work out, but he wouldn't have done so, even if asked.
24. He honestly thought John Tandy was courting the woman's vote rather than Amy Gardener, but should've known that Josh wouldn't bring the subject up tactfully.
25. He still carries around guilt for having written the memo about not using canopies when the POTUS entered and left buildings, whatever Ron Butterfield said.
26. Leo has been forgiven for shaking his hand in the Oval Office over what was essentially a lie, but the memory is soured.
27. It took until he was thirty to regain the same faith he'd had when he was thirteen and reading his passage of the Torah out to a half-empty synagogue. His passage was on crop rotation and if he were asked to read it now, he would be able to do so without stumbling.
28. When he was younger, he believed so strongly in moral absolutes that the very fact there was a name for that came as a surprise to him.
29. The thing between Leo and him, it's neither complicated nor important.
30. He loves trashy detective novels, but only reads up to the point where he knows who did it and how.
31. Sometimes, even he doesn't know which parts of his personality are an act and which parts he means.
32. Sam does annoy the Hell of out him sometimes and should grow up, but Toby hates it when he does.
33. When he hugged Ginger after the shooting, it was as much for his sake as it was for hers.
34. It didn't occur to him for over a week that Mary Marsh really might not have been being anti-Semitic.
35. When he confronted the POTUS over his father's actions, the President's "Brooklyn shrink" remark made Toby wince internally. Still, he shouldn't have gone into the Oval Office mad.
36. He is acutely aware that the Founding Fathers were fallible.
37. He suspects he was once a little in love with Sam, but at the time rationalised it away as awe at the man's potential coupled with admiration of his honesty and idealism. He wouldn't have acted on it under any circumstances.
38. When he's working too hard to get to temple on a Saturday, he makes the time to come in on another day.
39. He thinks of his morality and his religion as being separate, and holds himself to a far higher standard than he holds anyone else, even the POTUS.
40. He thinks in words, not pictures.

the Magic Cactus a question

asked the magic cactus,

Toby/Leo: realistic \'ship?


No. It's a really, really bad idea.

reality subversion @ www.irreality.org.uk

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