Eulogy For An Angel

Aug 31, 2004 00:33

Damn.....I havnt been near a computer in a week now, which sucks since I couldnt update on all the things I wanted to. So instead of having a bunch of little posts about the week, Ill just have to throw everything in one big post, which will probably turn out to be small, since I cant remember everything that went on. Well Ill start with friday when Taby, Luis and I went and watched without a Padal. That was two weeks ago. The movie was hilarous. I laughed the entire time. It had really stupid funny parts in it, which is what I like. I dont know if Luis enjoyed it as much, since he didnt laugh too much, but Taby and I were cracking up. Oh when we were getting our tickets, we ran into Francis and Chris. Was nice to see them there and talk to Francis since I havnt seen her in awhile. Well dont remember much after that, I know I saw The Exorcsist with Luis, Angel, Claduia, Luis, and my sister. All I can say about that, is that its not scary at all. Well my sister and Claudia were scared, but I found it very predictable. I thought it was ok tho, but not scary, which is why I wanted to see it. Then I just went back to my house to help them pack up and get ready for the move, which is what I did for most of the week till friday. I spent time with my g/f here and then, which is always nice. Always went with Luis and Taby to Luis's youth group, which was something different and new, and I enjoyed it. Well friday came around, and the Finch show was that night. At first there was mad confusion and at a point I didnt think we were going. Tabathas mom wouldnt let her go, Billy didnt have a ride, I had no idea what was going on. Well 6:30 rolled around, the time we wanted to leave, and Tabatha calls me, tells me to get ready. Stacey shows up, we pick up taby, had a little chat with her mom, drove to Kathys house and headed to the show. Im like WTF whats going on? Everythign was explained and Billy was going with Lucas to the show, well that didnt work out and Lucas never showed up. Well anyways we arrived to The Social a little late, luckily the first band was just finishing so we didnt miss anything. I got myeslf a nice little Finch T-shirt and then waited for the next band. Counterfeit came on frist, I never really listened to them, but they were freaking good. They put on a good show and their music was good. Plus their drummer is drumming for Finch. Then Recover came on, and they were pretty good two. It was funny because they kept talking all gangsta. Plus these two girls came out of no where, and stood right next to us and were really weird. Well after they finished, Finch set up and came on. Of course they were freaking amazing. The only downside is that they played a lot of new stuff, which I never heard so I couldnt really get into it that much, but was really good. Their new stuff seems faster, harder and more screaming. Cant wait for that. Well they played half and half with the songs, half old and half new. They opened with Worms of the Earth, plus Untitled, Grey Matter, What it is to Burn, and finished with Ender. Plus they played a song by Hum called stars. Its a really pimp song. Well after the concert, stopped and got food at Burker King then went home. Didnt get home till like 2am, and then had to wake up at 8am to start moving. Oh boy was that fun. All day in the heat loading shit and then driving like an hour and a half to my parents new house which is in BFE to unload. THe new house is really nice and big, but damn its in the middle of no where. Too far for my liking. Well Taby helped us with the move and she stayed the night at my new house with me. It was so nice to have her sleep over and to wake up with her there. She is so cute. Well other then that, I moved into Billys house in my new room. I just set everything up, need to put up the posters and shit, and need a new mouse for my computer. We will see how living here goes, shouldnt be too bad since I have my own room. Just need all the fighting between everyone to stop, then it will be good. Well I know there was more to talk about, but dont remember and too much to type. Ill update later....
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