Sep 04, 2004 22:28
This is my second to last post on this LiveJournal account ever. I'm all done here. This chapter is closed. I've said my piece and I've nothing more to say here. My life has changed dramatically since I began this journal over a year ago. Some of you that are reading this, I've known since before I started this journal, others I've met along the way. I'm happy to know all of you, truly.
I've decided to begin anew, in more ways than one. I'm walking away from "Imperfect Productions" for one and I'm ending this journal for another. I'll continue to make music on my own, for myself, but I'm no longer putting myself out there like I was with the production company. Other people who should've been "doing their part" weren't and I simply don't have the interest to tow the line by myself anymore. I officially shuck the responsibility of... well, I'm not going to go into all that, but I'm all done with Imp Prod either way. Some of the "artists" I'll still work with in various capacities, others not so much. The point is I'm done committing to anyone or anything other than my family and the responsibilities that come with having a family. I simply can't figurehead something like what I was trying to build Imp Prod into. It mighta been great or it mighta crumbled under it's own weight eventually, but now we'll never know. I choose to walk away.
As for this journal, I feel like I'm done being all that was "imperfect666." I'm just myself now. I have a new LiveJournal. It's already been created and I've already posted my first entry. What is the new LJ username, you ask? Well, remember up at the top of this entry where I said this is my "second to last" entry? My last entry will be my first "friend's only" entry and it will contain a link to my new LiveJournal. So, to the 13 people on my friend's list here, you guys can feel free to add my new account as a friend and I'll happily reciprocate. To the other people who read this journal, but aren't LJ users or whatever the case may be... you guys can feel free to email me @ and I'll be happy to provide you my new LJ username.
A sincere thanks to everyone who's read my little journal here. I hope it was a good read. Chapter I is now complete. Chapter II has just begun. Are you going to continue reading, or not? The choice is completely up to you.
My final words are:
Vote Bush the fuck out of office this November!