Yesterday we had another NaNo meetup and it was awesome! I love you guys. All of you. Deeply. In an as sexually disturbed way as anybody could ever think of! Ahem. I mean platonically!
We got to meet Tobias, who will grow up to be one hell of a lot of work for Sandra as far as I can tell. Kudos to you for being such a great mom, Sandra, keeping such a bundle of joy in check has to be one of the most exhausting things in the world. Go you!
We talked a lot, exchanged books (I got Jhereg, which I already got started on. It's refreshing to see a fantasy book with as light a tone as this these days, I like it.), talked some more, watched parts of the movie "Space Buddies" (Which is bloody ridiculous), wrote Ally crackfic and played the Eye of Argon party game. For anyone who's interested in the game, here's some links:
Full text: of the game: Entry: Also, a transcriber's note that might bring a smile to the faces of those who were present yesterday:
"No mere transcription can give the true flavor of the original printing of The Eye of Argon. It was mimeographed with stencils cut on an elite manual typewriter. Many letters were so faint as to be barely readable, others were overstruck, and some that were to be removed never got painted out with correction fluid. Usually, only one space separated sentences, while paragraphs were separated by a blank line and were indented ten spaces. Many words were grotesquely hyphenated. And there were illustrations -- I cannot do them justice in mere words, but they were a match for the text. These are the major losses of this version (#02) of TEoA.
Otherwise, all effort has been made to retain the full and correct text, preserving even mis-spellings and dropped spaces. An excellent proofreader has checked it for errors both ommitted and committed. What mis-matches remain are mine."
It's undoubtedly the worst book ever written. Have fun with them wenches!
Also, thanks go to Sandra for supplying us with a location and for feeding us the royal goodness of a meal that is cheese filled pasta. (No, I take that back. Royalty probably wish they were allowed to eat this kind of stuff, so it's even better than that!)