To begin, please vote on three previous unstamped applications (if available) and place the links here:
There are no unstamped applications at the moment, but I will be sure to vote on future applications.
Name: Kris.
Age: Eighteen.
Interests/Hobbies: Sports, hiking, jogging, movies, music, graphic design, stargazing, video games.
Strengths/Positives: Confident, relentless, focused, resourceful, loyal.
Weaknesses/Negatives: Brutally honest, condescending, critical, insensitive, distant.
What do you love?: All of the things in my hobbies/interests, independence and being able to carry one's own weight, will power.
What do you hate?: Dependence, meek and ridiculously shy dispositions, closemindedness/ignorance, cliques.
Describe yourself in three words: Take your pick from my strengths and weaknesses.
In three words, how might other people describe you?: Driven, harsh, strongwilled.
What are your worst fears?: Honestly, I'm not afraid of very many things. I've never been afraid of heights or tight places, and I'm the resident creepy crawler catcher at our household. But I think failure is one that definitely bothers me and something that's been nagging at me constantly these days.
Frugal or Lavish: Frugal. I'm far from being materialistic, and I can and have lived on bare minimum necessities. I don't like blowing all of my money off in one fell swoop either.
Traditional or Unconventional: Unconventional. I get strange looks when I adamantly tell my relatives I'm not getting married or having a family. They seem to think I'll change my mind, but it's most definitely not what I want out of life. There are more important things.
Cautious or Impulsive: Hm, it depends. I often find following my instincts is more rewarding, but I'll be cautious when I know it's necessary.
Fanciful or Sensible: Sensible.
Lover or Fighter: Fighter, hands down.
Responsibility or Popularity: Responsibility. Not everyone is going to like you, so popularity is trivial. One should be more focused on doing a good job.
Reserved or Outspoken: Well, I tend to keep to myself, but I will not hesitate to speak out when I feel my words need to be heard. I'm definitely not a shy person.
What do you think of the Senate and the "old ways"?: Necessary and sensible in its time, but times do change.
Of course you revere the gods, don't you?: Hah, no.
The people of Rome demand amusement. What do you do about it?: Give it to them. I could use some amusement myself.
So, how about those Greeks?: Interesting folks with an interesting way of life. They are fun to read about and study.
What would you like to do in your free time as emperor?: Spar-- learning and bettering my swordplay and the like, definitely. If not that, then reading and listening to music.
What would your legacy be? What would you want to be remembered for/as?: A great fighter and military leader; perhaps someone who was known for being driven and ruthless, but a good emperor regardless.
There is unrest in the frontier areas; barbarians are raiding. What would be your course of action?: See to it that they are taken care of by whatever means necessary.
You learn of a revolt in the provinces, led by one of your generals. What do you do?: Have a little ...heart to heart with this general and look into the reasons for this revolt. His punishment will vary by the reasons for the revolt. If it was something that is somewhat understandable (something that can be fixed), he will be stripped of his title and power for taking an irresponsible course of action. Otherwise, I will execute him. Both will be made public to make an example of him. If one has an issue with my methods, bring it to my attention diplomatically, don't try to undermine me.
Overall, how would you feel about your role as supreme commander of the legions?: I would be very proud of this role and would see to it that I do the best job I possibly can.
Anything else you think we should know?: Not that I can think of.
[Optional!] Finally, please give us a brief description of yourself or a picture (image or URL):