Georgetown Street Fair

Jun 25, 2007 18:04

K and I hit the GSF this weekend, ostensibly for the power tool races but mostly to watch Primary Element perform. The power tool races were interesting but not really much for photographing. Very, very dangerous, though. Nothing like plugging in a circular saw into a really long extension cord and letting that sucker go at high speeds. This is definitely one of those all-fun-and-games-until-someone-loses-an-eye things, except it probably won't be just an eye. So yeah, if you're at all interested in that go see it now before some 11 year old girl takes a circular saw to the chest and the venue gets relocated to King County Superior Court.


Primary Element was supposed to perform at 1:30 but things were already 30 minutes behind when the organizers thought it would be a good idea to have a brass band of about 40 geriatrics go on first and the rest just writes itself, doesn't it? It was like being trapped behind an old person doing 15 m.p.h. and thus missing the really cool acrobatics performance, which was pretty much how it went. Over an hour later the lackluster mediocre performances of John Philip Sousa standards was lurching onward, and I could rant for another two paragraphs but then I'd probably have to get outfitted for my very own rocking chair and cane. "You geezers get off my stage! No respect, that generation."

Anyway. Here are some pictures.*

This couple was a whole lot of fun to watch. Really happy with each other and great hams for the camera. Anyone know who they are?

I also like this one in false-color b+w.

Poor Jenna was running a fever. I held out my hand to check her temperature (like, what am I, a thermometer all of the sudden?) and she kind of got stuck leaning there.

Another great couple.

It was a family event. Somehow, still, I like these in b+w.

…except this one, which only works in color. Tiger! Rawr!

On the way home I took a wrong turn and, as a bonus, we got stuck waiting for a drawbridge. This was my view.

The editing process
I don't alter the editorial content of my photos, really, but when I'm looking to shoot I tend to have particular lighting or saturation or white point or vignetting effects in mind when I shoot. Often I specifically look at things as black + white (which is why so many of my photos end up that way). Here's one photo and the two ways I saw it as I shot:

Original, unaltered.

False color black + white (red and green channels at 100% in multiply mode; blue channel at 15% in lighten mode, fairly heavy vignetting).

My simulation of a Polaroid (white balance tipped and desaturated, with a bit of vignetting)

* Yes, I know I'm behind on getting my Solstice Parade photos done, but eh, my point of view for the main body of the parade was behind several rows of people so all I have are naked bicyclists. Which, I know, you all want to see but you'll just have to be patient. So there.

visual record

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