So... I'm here in big sky country.
I guess I'll update... I haven't in several months, maybe I'll pick this back up again?
It's two weeks into my internship and the big guy in the sky is truly smiling down on me. I have amazing people surrounding me (mostly the geology guys, not so much the reservoir engineers, they're pricks). I'm pretty savvy with two different programs now, SES (Stoner Engineering software) and NueraLog... which isn't a huge deal, NueraLog just exists to digitize logs. Mainly, SES is my bread and butter for the summer. It allows you to geo-steer horizontal wells and create cross sections based on the gamma ray (log readings) measured while the drilling occurs and compare it to the RSD (relative stratigraphic depth) so this allows you to calibrate the gamma signatures to the rsd, aka uncovering faults, fractures, folds and any other structural/stratigraphic component. It's intense, and it's seriously growing on me(: Next is Geograhix, so I can plot what I'm getting in these cross sections onto a 2-d map to accurately represent the structures out there. My main mentor Andy, is a Montana local boy, worked with Chevron in California in his younger years and jumped ship as soon as he could to get back to Montana, which I sympathize with. I deeply miss Texas. Let alone the array of scenery that's there, or the massiveness of the states and its roads I have yet to travel... but the people, so many people there hold parts of my soul and it's been a long time.
Montana is beautiful, got to spend time here in 2007 for field camp, a week last year with Exxon (they effing blow balls) and now an entire summer here. It's such a quiet beauty, since it's not that crowded, which I love... instantly.