Woe is me

Sep 10, 2013 19:22

Business is better, but not amazing (yet). I received a bunch of donations which helped out a lot. The summer is winding down which will bring back clients who take a hiatus until the school year. Will starts his last year of nursing school later this month and will soon be a legit nurse. The dogs are good, the cats are good, the weather is mostly good, and I'm looking forward to sweaters and crockpot stews and Bacon Fest.

The holidays (Christmas specifically) will prove to be a bit lonely for me this year. Will is going to Guatemala and Belize for Christmas and I can't afford to. It was easy to not be jealous or sad because I'm petrified of flying. That was, until, I realized how much anxiety I would suffer to not only fly my first international flight but to also spend Christmas with Will and his family. A friend of ours was actually going to let me use her miles (she travels more times than I poop in a week so has more than she can handle) but, as suspected, they can't be used for the dates in question. I should probably win the lottery or something. I guess that means I should play the lottery.

I've been in an anxiety funk lately and I would very much like to get out of it. Not really sad, just very aware of the mistakes I've been making and the lack of money we have. Things could be a lot worse and I'm definitely grateful that they're not.
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