I can really see myself having a lot of fun on Wednesday! And on Friday. ><
Anyway, havn't blogged here in a long time - been blogging at this blog which is SO easy (it's got my name in it!) to find but no one has found so oh well heh. I don't really mind. It's just a place for me to rant and be stupid.
Ehm. Nothing much to say. I just wish Alisa good luck in her new Uni (or where ever she's going ^^), everyond good luck for cross-country on Friday and my class the best of luck (:D) for BSD!!!
Oh, and yes, *promotes*:
COME WATCH BSD ON 10TH OR 11TH SEPTEMBER 2004 IN - wait. No one who reads this (I'm not including the other two from my school since they don't seem to read this anymore) is from Singapore except
passingitoff. And Zhao, will not force you to go or anything, since I think your prelims are around that time. And good luck to you for 'O's! Don't stress yourself out!! (: