Jul 31, 2006 09:17
Sometimes I think I will never understand men, other times I think I get it all too well and prefer to think that I do not.
I had been talking to someone for a while. He kept wanting to fool around. Knowing the situation he was in I kept telling him we should just get to know eack other and be friends.
well he pushed his wants and I just kept ignoring him.
we never actually see each other, so it was easier.
well he dropped off the face of the earth, i just feel bad, I think he is a nice guy and I just wanted the chance to get to know him. Maybe he didn't want to know me at all, who knows. I just saw alot we had in common. I know he has read the e mail I sent him, wich was nothing.. just asking if everything was allright.
Either he is dating someone ( good for him, as long as it is keeping him happy) something is actually wrong and he just doesen't wan't to deal with ppl ( doubt that) or he is having issues with his ex & doesen't want to deal with me because I actually ask personal questions
yes I care and I shouldn't, he doesen't. it just makes me sad, I guess I am feeling rejected.
funny thing was i was at the point where his side of it was starting to seem okay, considering the things i have been going through a disrtaction was looking good, i was even making time if he was receptive.
dunno, thats it for now, I just need to know, I hate wondering, it drives me crazy