since they cut off my internet this morning, i was bored and able to throw a texture pack together for you all. I'm pretty sure I'm going to start posting patterns I made. Probably in big sizes and maybe even the actual pattern itself, if I can figure THAT one out. +laffs+ I also want to make gradients if I can get that to work too, that would be swell!! Anyways, on to the goods! EDIT: I just figured out how to save the patterns I make as a set and same with gradients, like you do with brushes!! So, I'll show examples of my patterns/gradients on a random sized square area, but it will come with the actual pattern/gradient file so you can save them into your own files and use them directly. =o)
6 sized 700x700 Light Textures. =o)
[x]: Comment if you are downloading.
[x]: Credit is wonderful! You may credit on your resource page!
[x]: Do not claim as your own!
[x]: Enjoy!
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