Found a bunch of textures on GJ that I haven't posted here... so, plan on seeing those soon. =o)))
This is my first batch of LARGE textures, since they were requested. They are all sized 500 x 400. They are more of a technilogical grunge look.. or something.
since they are so big, I put them all in a zip file and you can upload them
[x]: Comment with what you are taking.
[x]: Do NOT comment with "nice but not taking" a compliment is one thing, a hypocritical statement is another!
[x]: Do NOT comment with "taking a bunch" be specific!!
[x]: Do NOT DIRECT LINK!!! [Upload to your own server!]
[x]: Credit is wonderful! You may credit on your resource page!
[x]: Do not claim as your own!
[x]: Testimonials/Links/Promoting are glorious as well.
[x]: Make suggestions
HERE[x]: Read
THIS post for more help!
[x]: Enjoy!
note:xartificialx is my old GJ name
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