(no subject)

May 03, 2007 04:18

fun lil ditty. I was just coming home from work and got stuck behind this slow ass blue station wagon. He goes rediculously slow around the traffic circle and I ride up his ass a bit to let him know I think that was unreasonable. (not too much just a bit)
So I am following him and about 100 yards from my house he starts hitting the brakes. No signal
I assume he's a douche who doesn't signal and creep up on his ass again to again say (hey dude use a signal and I wouldn't be doing this)

He then turns in to the driveway three houses down from mine and screams out his open window


Is this really neccessary sir??

I was a bit suprised at his reaction and then amused that it's my neighbor and apparently I really got to him. I didn't harasse him I just tailgated a few seconds when he was being a dumbass.

Right or wrong either way I found this funnny and felt like sharing.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood . .
won't you be my neighbor?

Well hello there neighbor!

alright I'm out.

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